SHOCK! Rapists told how to choose their victims
A group of rapists in prison were interviewed about what criteria they use to determine a potential victim. And here are a few facts that shocked us:
1) the First thing that draws the attention of a rapist — hairstyle. They love to follow a woman with hvostikom, beam, oblique, or any other hairstyle, which is easy to grasp. No exception and women with long hair, but girls with a hairstyle "under the boy" rarely hunt.
2) the Second thing looks the rapist is clothing. He goes behind the woman, which is easy to tear the clothes. Many rapists carry scissors.
3) they Also look for women razgovorami on a cell phone, rummaging in the bag, or employed anything, because they are easy to surprise and grasp.
4) In the first place, women are abducted in Parking lots of supermarkets, offices and public restrooms.
5) Usually rapists trying to grab a woman and quickly pulled her to a place where no one will be caught.
6) If you are somehow to fight and defend themselves, they will be disappointed, as will quickly realize that you can attract unwanted attention, and the suppression takes a lot of time. But most girls do not, because they are afraid and are counting on mercy.
7) These criminals said that won't attack a woman with an umbrella or any other objectthat can be used at a safe distance, not allowing close rapist.
The keys to these subjects are not, as you have to be very close to the attacker to use them as weapons. Your main goal is to let them know that you're not worth their time and effort.
Precautions that are worth remembering:
1. If you have someone stalking on the street or the Parking lot, look him in the face and ask the time. Or talk about the weather, for example. Thus, you will see the face of a man and, if anything, will be able to identify it, thereby will cease to be of interest to you as a victim.
2. If someone comes to you, get your hands in front of him and yell "Stop!". Many of the perpetrators admitted that will leave a woman alone if she yells or shows a willingness to fight back. Remember! They are looking for EASY prey.
3. If you carry pepper spray, you can scare the rapist and warned him, holding the bottle in front of him. This will help to deter the rapist.
4. If someone attack you, you are unlikely to win power, but the trick is. If you are grabbed from behind, try very hard to hit an intruder in the area between the armpit and elbow, or inner thigh. You can try to hit yourself as hard as you can in these places. It really hurts!
5. After the first strike, aim for the crotch. I know from my own sad experience that the attack on the "male" places really painful. You might think that you anger the guy and he wants to hit you stronger, but, in fact, rapists looking for a victim that won't cause problems. So create these problems and protect yourself.
6. When the rapist already stretched to you hands, cut his two fingers, remove them and push as possible.
7. And of course, what we always hear and know: always pay attention to your surroundings, take someone, if possible.
If you notice strange behavior, follow your instincts. You can feel a bit ridiculous in this situation, but it would be much worse if the guy really was a dangerous man.
A few more tips:
1. Taekwondo is considered the most severe blow of the elbow. So if you are close enough, strike with the elbow.
2. If the robber demands your wallet or bag, don't give them to him, and swing away. While he will go after them,RUN HEADLONG IN the OTHER DIRECTION!!!
3. If you threw him in the back, emboss the headlight, insert a hand into the hole and wave like crazy. The thief won't see it, but other drivers may notice. It has saved the lives of dozens of women.
4. Women often like to sit in the car after lunch, work or a shopping trip, just making lists, checking my schedule. DON'T DO THIS!
Predator to follow you, so it's a good opportunity for him to get in the passenger seat, put a gun to your head and tell you where to go.As soon as you got in the car, close the door and leave.
5. A few rules about how to sit in the car in the garage or in the Parking lot:
6. Always use the Elevator instead of the stairs. Stairs – a great scene, especially when one was not available.
7. If the offender has a weapon in his hands, but he does not control — RUN! Shooting gets only 4 out of 100 fleeing victims. And even if you hurt, it most likely will not be a deadly wound. So RUN.
20 hard truths that no one wants to admit60 facts that is useful to know everyone
8.Women have a sensitive nature and they are prone to sympathy and pity. Stop — it can kill you!! For example, Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a handsome, educated man, who always played on the trust of their victims. He limped and walked with a cane with an invitation to help to sit him in the car. When he abducted his next victim.published
Source: zanimatelno.com/margie/kak-nasilniki-vybirayut-zhertv-oni-rasskazali-a-my-v-shoke.html

1) the First thing that draws the attention of a rapist — hairstyle. They love to follow a woman with hvostikom, beam, oblique, or any other hairstyle, which is easy to grasp. No exception and women with long hair, but girls with a hairstyle "under the boy" rarely hunt.
2) the Second thing looks the rapist is clothing. He goes behind the woman, which is easy to tear the clothes. Many rapists carry scissors.
3) they Also look for women razgovorami on a cell phone, rummaging in the bag, or employed anything, because they are easy to surprise and grasp.
4) In the first place, women are abducted in Parking lots of supermarkets, offices and public restrooms.
5) Usually rapists trying to grab a woman and quickly pulled her to a place where no one will be caught.
6) If you are somehow to fight and defend themselves, they will be disappointed, as will quickly realize that you can attract unwanted attention, and the suppression takes a lot of time. But most girls do not, because they are afraid and are counting on mercy.
7) These criminals said that won't attack a woman with an umbrella or any other objectthat can be used at a safe distance, not allowing close rapist.
The keys to these subjects are not, as you have to be very close to the attacker to use them as weapons. Your main goal is to let them know that you're not worth their time and effort.
Precautions that are worth remembering:
1. If you have someone stalking on the street or the Parking lot, look him in the face and ask the time. Or talk about the weather, for example. Thus, you will see the face of a man and, if anything, will be able to identify it, thereby will cease to be of interest to you as a victim.
2. If someone comes to you, get your hands in front of him and yell "Stop!". Many of the perpetrators admitted that will leave a woman alone if she yells or shows a willingness to fight back. Remember! They are looking for EASY prey.
3. If you carry pepper spray, you can scare the rapist and warned him, holding the bottle in front of him. This will help to deter the rapist.
4. If someone attack you, you are unlikely to win power, but the trick is. If you are grabbed from behind, try very hard to hit an intruder in the area between the armpit and elbow, or inner thigh. You can try to hit yourself as hard as you can in these places. It really hurts!
5. After the first strike, aim for the crotch. I know from my own sad experience that the attack on the "male" places really painful. You might think that you anger the guy and he wants to hit you stronger, but, in fact, rapists looking for a victim that won't cause problems. So create these problems and protect yourself.
6. When the rapist already stretched to you hands, cut his two fingers, remove them and push as possible.
7. And of course, what we always hear and know: always pay attention to your surroundings, take someone, if possible.
If you notice strange behavior, follow your instincts. You can feel a bit ridiculous in this situation, but it would be much worse if the guy really was a dangerous man.

A few more tips:
1. Taekwondo is considered the most severe blow of the elbow. So if you are close enough, strike with the elbow.
2. If the robber demands your wallet or bag, don't give them to him, and swing away. While he will go after them,RUN HEADLONG IN the OTHER DIRECTION!!!
3. If you threw him in the back, emboss the headlight, insert a hand into the hole and wave like crazy. The thief won't see it, but other drivers may notice. It has saved the lives of dozens of women.
4. Women often like to sit in the car after lunch, work or a shopping trip, just making lists, checking my schedule. DON'T DO THIS!
Predator to follow you, so it's a good opportunity for him to get in the passenger seat, put a gun to your head and tell you where to go.As soon as you got in the car, close the door and leave.
5. A few rules about how to sit in the car in the garage or in the Parking lot:
- Be alert: Look around, because someone can hide behind the passenger seat, so inspect the car, the passenger seat and floor. (DO THE SAME BEFORE YOU GET INTO THE TAXI!).
- If you parked next to a van, enter your car from the front passenger seat. Most serial killers attack their victims while they were trying to get behind the wheel.
- Note the cars parked next to your car. If one of them is a man sitting alone, and even on the seat next to your machine, you better go back to the store or work and ask the security guard, police officer escort you.
6. Always use the Elevator instead of the stairs. Stairs – a great scene, especially when one was not available.
7. If the offender has a weapon in his hands, but he does not control — RUN! Shooting gets only 4 out of 100 fleeing victims. And even if you hurt, it most likely will not be a deadly wound. So RUN.
20 hard truths that no one wants to admit60 facts that is useful to know everyone
8.Women have a sensitive nature and they are prone to sympathy and pity. Stop — it can kill you!! For example, Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a handsome, educated man, who always played on the trust of their victims. He limped and walked with a cane with an invitation to help to sit him in the car. When he abducted his next victim.published
Source: zanimatelno.com/margie/kak-nasilniki-vybirayut-zhertv-oni-rasskazali-a-my-v-shoke.html
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