The boy brought home from school a leaflet for parents, which shocked his mother

We used the papers that children provide in school: a list of textbooks, literature for summer, requirements for the form. The younger school of American small town of Belmont went ahead and seeded that such memo.
Olga Zhuravskaya, one of the moms who received this guide, translated and disseminated it. Now we have a chance to pay tribute to this simple and vital words.
Notice to the parent from the Junior school of the city of Belmont do Not spoil me, because I know you don't have to fulfill my every desire. Don't be afraid to be straightforward with me. Don't let me form bad habits to unlearn it will be even harder. Don't make me feel like my opinion doesn't matter: I make it worse I behave, and know. Don't correct me in front of other people: I'll respond better to information if you make a remark eye to eye. Don't make me feel like my error is a terrible crime. Don't protect me from consequences of my actions: I must learn to understand that action is a reaction.
Ignore my minor quibbles: sometimes I just want communication. Don't worry too much when I say I hate you: I don't hate you and rebel against your government. Do not repeat everything a hundred times, otherwise I will pretend I am deaf. Do not give rash promises: I will be upset if you don't perform. Don't forget that I'm still not always thoughtfully explain what I feel. Do not ask me the truth if mad, or I can cheat you out of fear. Don't be fickle: for me it spoils. Don't leave my questions without answers, or I will go to look for answers elsewhere.

Don't tell me my fears are not important. They're terribly important, it is not small and I feel even worse when you do not understand. Don't pretend to be perfect and not making mistakes. I will be upset when you find out that it is not. Don't think to apologize to me is beneath you. If you apologize when wrong, will you teach me the same. Don't forget that I'm growing up fast. You will have to adjust very often. I love to experiment. Without this I do not develop, so please do that. And last: remember that I can't grow a happy man if I don't very much love the house, but you already know! The list was not only about school and children, but also about the right approach and Outlook on the world as a whole. And don't need a huge Talmud, only 21 points incredibly touching and at the same time very profound truths.
Source Olga Zhuravskaya / facebook.com
Photos on the preview kaboompics
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