A timeless classic: the most unusual imitation Yves Saint Laurent

There is a certain circle of designers (such a closed "club"), whose contribution to the history of fashion forever changed the image and made to be what we see it today. Their legacy haunts the younger generation, it is studied as the fashion Bible. To such belongs the couturier Yves Saint Laurent. How many replicas of his dresses were made for decades – no one will say. But recently there was another worthy of attention is the collection of "duplicate". This time clothing from Saint Laurent turned in an unusual lamps.

Encroached on the sacred, the young designer Nicolas Saint-Grigori (Nicolas Saint Gregoire). Appealing to the heritage of Saint Laurent, Nicolas is trying to establish a dialogue between fashion and art. What, in fact, does most of his contemporaries. The object of inspiration was chosen dresses "Golden period" of creativity of a famous fashion designer – the legendary classics of the 60's: straight silhouettes, geometry and bright color accents.
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