Unusual stack, or installation "Now I Know"

A master of optical illusions and talented "visual fraud" called the modern Hungarian painter named Gyula Varnai (Varnai Gyula). He is known for his unusual approach to the creation of sculptures and installations in his portfolio you can find a lot of original videos, but special attention is a very curious work entitled "Now I Know". Who's hiding in a pile of firewood stacked against the wall?
Without changing their creative methods and principles of Hungarian artist turned to the visual hype, building with wood blocks to "draw" them on the woodpile silhouette of a man. From afar it seems that is nothing but the art of carving wood-carving, but is approached by several meters closer to make sure it is not. Appliances chosen by Gyula Varnai, far more complex and requires not only artistic talent but also luck. Not so easy to find suitable logs to continue the pattern.

As you can see, with luck, talent, imagination and patience in the author order. To create a wood-fired installation in the form of a human silhouette, he gathered and laid out in a certain order, and the logs are different colors and different shapes, worrying not only about the story of the art project, but also that the whole structure had not collapsed. As a result, the pile of firewood has the full right to be called a masterpiece of modern art installation, known as "Now I Know".

Source: /users/78
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