Tang Dousheng State Park. Two in one: the eco-Park and fancy restaurant |

The area of the Tang Dousheng State Park is really huge – 1600 sq m, which is comparable to three football fields! It is located in 400 km from Beijing, was opened in 2005 and Curious tourists come here to see unique flora and fauna, as the collection of the Park includes about 1,500 exotic plants and animals.

Tang Dousheng State Park attracts visitors truly fantastic in design: tables installed in the vicinity of trees everywhere – the sheer cliffs and small waterfalls, from time to time, the eye caught wild animals and colorful birds. In addition, this place is deservedly claims the title of "ecological oasis" because millions of yuan being spent by investors that it existed in the middle of a crowded and dirty city.

The real highlight of the Tang Dousheng State Park – this restaurant's menu. It serves seafood caught in the eyes of the visitors at their request. Chefs work behind glass walls so customers can see the whole cooking process.
Note that the idea of a seafood restaurant, "integrated" in nature — not new! On our website we have already talked about the unusual Japanese restaurant for fishermen, as well as on the most picturesque seafood restaurant, which is located in Zanzibar.

Source: /users/78