Wu-tang Clan plans to sell only one copy of his new album

In an era of universal free file sharing and copying many of the artists are trying to find new models of monetization of the creativity. Hip-hop group Wu-tang Clan намерена sell their album «The Wu - Once Upon A Time In Shaolin» as usually sell their works the artists. 128-minute album of the 31st composition will exist in a single copy. He will be placed in a unique silver box handmade, created by British-Moroccan artist Yahya , whose works are popular with monarchs and oligarchs around world.
Like a painting or sculpture of the famous artist, casket will travel with the album galleries, museums and art festivals around the world. Listen to the album will be paying 30 - 50 dollars, and passed a thorough inspection for the absence of any recording devices. After a world tour, the only copy of the album will be for sale for several million dollars.
In the Wu-tang Clan believe that this way of presenting and selling music will give you a reverent attitude, which is usually treated with great works of art. Co-founder and producer Robert Diggs, better known as RZA, says: "We want to create a work of art, the likes of which has not been in the history of contemporary music. We will make a unique collector's item, the possession of which is comparable with the possession of the scepter of the Egyptian pharaoh ».
However, for the beautiful words can hide and subtle trolling modern copyright industry, the principles of which brought to the point of absurdity: instead of the free flow of unlimited runs, possibly due to the development of the Internet - the circulation in one single copy, obscenely huge price and unprecedented measures to protect against copying. This model of "distribution" looks a parody of what makes the record companies. However, due to the international fame of the legendary group, it may well work.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/217527/