Money myths that prevent us from living

Misconceptions about money that do not allow people to get rich.


Each pending torque – earned hryvnia

The fact that you are able to save for the future, is commendable, but they also need to get to work on yourself. The stash in the mattress is not something that can guarantee you a decent living.

I don't need help

If you do decide to invest your savings in a particular project, not worth the risk big. Hire a professional, which constitute the most profitable and least risky investment plan.

When creating the budget, I save

To make the family budget is simple, but follow it turns out few people. Furthermore, any financial plans lead to more spending.

If I work more, I can spend more

All the money earned by overtime, should not immediately put into circulation – say, if I worked more, you can now afford it any more. This attitude towards money will lead you into a trap. Get in the habit all the "extra" money put aside in a special account.

If I don't take risks, then nothing will lose

Any financially savvy person should be a little bit risky. As they say, nothing ventured, no champagne. Not investing and do not risk some part of them, you just let inflation eat your savings.

I earn enough for a normal life here and now

You get paid on the same day each month. All your utility bills and loans are paid on time. Perhaps all you need for a comfortable life, but for the financial stability we need something more. Imagine that one day you will not be paid by the due date... this situation will not unsettle the man, always have savings for such cases.


Source: /users/104


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