Tradition aristocracy: foot binding in China
Eighty one million seven hundred sixty five thousand three hundred twenty five
The custom of bandaging the feet of Chinese girls, similar to the methods of the comprachicos, seems to many like this: baby leg bandage and she just does not grow, staying the same size and the same shape. It is not - there was a special techniques and foot deformed special ways. The ideal beauty in ancient China had to have legs like a Lotus, the mincing gait, and swaying like a willow, figurine.
One million eight hundred forty three thousand one hundred
In ancient China, the girls started to bandage his legs with 4-5 years of age (infants could not suffer from tight bandages, mutilating their feet). As a result of these tortures to 10 years in girls was formed about 10-inch "Lotus foot". After that they started to learn the proper "adult" behavior. And after 2-3 years they were ready with the girls "of marriageable age".
The size of the "Lotus feet" has become an important condition for the conclusion of marriages. Bride with big feet was subjected to ridicule and humiliation, as it was like women of the common people who worked in the fields and could not afford the luxury of foot binding.
Fifty five million twenty four thousand sixty three
In different areas of China were fashionable different forms of "Lotus feet". In some places preferred the more narrow feet and others have a more short and petite. Various was form, materials, and ornamental stories and styles "Lotus shoes".
As intimate, but flaunt the part of the female outfit, those shoes were a measure of status, wealth and personal taste of their owners. Today, the custom of foot-binding seems to be wild a relic of the past and the way discrimination against women. But, in fact, the majority of women in ancient China were proud of their "Lotus feet".
Seventy five million two hundred fifty two thousand four hundred forty two
The origins of the Chinese "foot binding" as the traditional Chinese culture, date back to ancient times, from the X century.
The institution of "foot binding" was regarded as a necessary and beautiful, and practiced for ten centuries. However, rare attempts at "liberation" of the foot is still made, however, opposed the ceremony, was the "black sheep". "Bandaging the feet" became part of the General psychology and mass culture.
In the preparation of the marriage, the groom's parents first ask about the foot of the bride, then on her face. Foot was considered to be its main human quality. During the process of bandaging mothers consoled their daughters by drawing them a dazzling perspective on marriage, depended on beauty tied with legs.
Source: /users/78
The custom of bandaging the feet of Chinese girls, similar to the methods of the comprachicos, seems to many like this: baby leg bandage and she just does not grow, staying the same size and the same shape. It is not - there was a special techniques and foot deformed special ways. The ideal beauty in ancient China had to have legs like a Lotus, the mincing gait, and swaying like a willow, figurine.
One million eight hundred forty three thousand one hundred
In ancient China, the girls started to bandage his legs with 4-5 years of age (infants could not suffer from tight bandages, mutilating their feet). As a result of these tortures to 10 years in girls was formed about 10-inch "Lotus foot". After that they started to learn the proper "adult" behavior. And after 2-3 years they were ready with the girls "of marriageable age".
The size of the "Lotus feet" has become an important condition for the conclusion of marriages. Bride with big feet was subjected to ridicule and humiliation, as it was like women of the common people who worked in the fields and could not afford the luxury of foot binding.
Fifty five million twenty four thousand sixty three
In different areas of China were fashionable different forms of "Lotus feet". In some places preferred the more narrow feet and others have a more short and petite. Various was form, materials, and ornamental stories and styles "Lotus shoes".
As intimate, but flaunt the part of the female outfit, those shoes were a measure of status, wealth and personal taste of their owners. Today, the custom of foot-binding seems to be wild a relic of the past and the way discrimination against women. But, in fact, the majority of women in ancient China were proud of their "Lotus feet".
Seventy five million two hundred fifty two thousand four hundred forty two
The origins of the Chinese "foot binding" as the traditional Chinese culture, date back to ancient times, from the X century.
The institution of "foot binding" was regarded as a necessary and beautiful, and practiced for ten centuries. However, rare attempts at "liberation" of the foot is still made, however, opposed the ceremony, was the "black sheep". "Bandaging the feet" became part of the General psychology and mass culture.
In the preparation of the marriage, the groom's parents first ask about the foot of the bride, then on her face. Foot was considered to be its main human quality. During the process of bandaging mothers consoled their daughters by drawing them a dazzling perspective on marriage, depended on beauty tied with legs.
Source: /users/78