Quantum Stealth invisibility cloak for military purposes

Invisibility cloak is one of the most coveted in real life, fabulous items. Well, one of us has ever been dreamt of, hidden magical matter, to get noticed somewhere or, conversely, to leave the room, not paying attention. As a canadian company Hyperstealth Biotechnology claims that has created the technology to bring this fantastic fiction into reality. The world famous Chinese artist Liu Bolin, who is known for his ability to hide from others, not using the no magic, no photoshop. But in Canada recently appeared technology of Quantum Stealth, which may, in the near future will "disappear" in broad daylight anyone. After all, the company Hyperstealth Biotechnology, said that she created a real cloak of invisibility.

Quantum Stealth technology allows you to create a panel that hides behind people and objects. They reproduce the surroundings, which is behind, visually merging with it. Moreover, hidden so object is also impossible to detect using thermal and infrared devices. According to the head of the company Hyperstealth Biotechnology, Quantum Stealth technology can be used in the military. After all, the invisible soldiers is almost invincible soldier!

For security purposes, the company Hyperstealth Biotechnology while that does not show Quantum Stealth in public. It was limited to the issue of a press release containing pictures and videos of the use of its technology in business. Of course, then there were the skeptics in the scientific world, zasomnevalas in the real existence of the Quantum Stealth technology. However, the company Hyperstealth Biotechnology in their comments said that prototypes of the panels invisible already provided for the independent examination of several military and civilian laboratories in Canada and the United States of America.
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