The giant skyscraper Ring of Life in Fushun city

In all of China here and there are skyscrapers or even entire neighborhoods of these. It also happens in the two-million Fushun city, where he created a modern business centre, consisting of several high rise buildings. However one of them, a 50-storey skyscraper Ring of Life, has no other function than aesthetic. The skyscraper Ring of Life, most likely, to the fans of the film and TV series "Stargate". After all, the huge structure just like the title element of this popular franchise.

Ring of Life (Ring of Life) is a huge, pyatidesyatiletiyu a circle with a diameter of 157 meters. Its production took more than 3000 tons of steel and 12 million LEDs, thanks to which the structure is amazing to look in the dark. The cost of the facility is $ 16 million. Of course, this is not the highest and most expensive skyscraper in China, however one of the strangest. After all, if the other giant buildings in this country, created for specific purposes such as residential, office, shopping malls or hotels, the only function of the Ring of Life is to show off among the city lights Shine bright and serve as a lookout.

Thanks to the Internet, the skyscraper Ring of Life in a matter of days has evolved from a regional construction in Liaoning province in one of the most famous architectural structures of China. Very unusual shape, amazing huge size and minimal functionality it carries.
Source: /users/276
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