Villa Epecuen - Argentine village, which is 25 years under water

In anticipation of the impending end of the world is natural to remember those cities that have already gone through the Apocalypse on a local scale. One of these dead cities of Villa Epecuen, a resort located 600 km from Buenos Aires (Argentina). It was built in the 1920-ies, but after half a century became extremely popular with tourists, because here was the opportunity to relax in a unique salty lake of Lago Epecuen. Today, the site of this village are only ruins, 25 years ago, she went under water in the floods.

The lake of Lago Epecuen knowingly became a tourist Mecca, it has a truly unique properties. The lake is ten times saltier than any ocean, and only slightly inferior to the Dead sea. The therapeutic properties of water have long been known: come here to treat depression, rheumatism, skin diseases, anemia and even diabetes.

The first inhabitants settled in the village of Epecuen in the late 19th century, soon a settlement grew. It was conducted by railway communication with Buenos Aires, and soon the travelers from South America flooded the Argentine resort. In the mid-20th century here on vacation annually attended by about 2,500 people, in 1970-ies in the village lived more than five thousand people, there were about 300 businesses, including hotels, dormitories, swimming pools, shops and museums.

By the way, from a thousand of the indigenous inhabitants of Villa Epecuen to return to the native land wished only one, 81-year-old Pablo Novak. He has several years of living here alone, reading the newspaper and remembers as a thriving village three decades ago.

Source: /users/276