Wooden wind turbine
Wind farms are growing like "mushrooms after rain", both on land and at sea. For all the appeal of wind technology, they feature the installation of the turbine as high as possible above the earth's surface, where winds are stronger and more stable. While there was no other way to do it, except the erection of high steel towers, the production of which cannot be called friendly to the environment process.
The towers takes a lot of energy, during metal smelting, and in production of their components, which is associated with greenhouse gas emissions and reduce overall ecological effect of the introduction of clean wind energy. In an effort to demonstrate the technology, the most environmentally friendly, the German company TimberTower has erected in Hanover, the world's first a 1.5-megawatt wind turbine hardwood.
The turbine itself is the same as at other wind energy facilities, in this case, the Vensys 77 model, but in Hanover it is installed on 100-metre mast, built of wood. Wooden mast-tower assembled from laminated wood panels and other components manufactured on production outside the construction site. To the Assembly all parts are shipped in regular containers.
Says managing Director of Holberg the death of a Ghost (Holger Giebel): "the TimberTower is a milestone on the path to environmentally friendly energy production because we use 99% renewable resources.
A wooden mast is easier to build and dismantle when necessary. Its construction required 300 tonnes less steel than conventional towers, which reduces carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by about 400 tons.
Containers additional advantage of the new technology. The fact that the height of the steel masts is physically limited by the diameter of the base. To the 110-meter mast was strong and resistant, the base must be 4.2 meters in diameter. This size – as for example for transporting items on the roads of Germany and other European countries.
Details of the wooden mast is quite small and can be transported in standard containers. This means that removed restrictions on the diameter and the height of the mast. Turbine on wooden towers can be raised to a great height, allowing to increase their effectiveness.
Visually, the new mast out of wood similar to conventional steel. Its body has an octagonal cross-section that provides extra strength, it has the same base diameter. The assurances of the company, the theoretical height of their design can reach 200 meters. The minimum duration of the life cycle of the turbine is 40 years.
Currently there is a development of the 140-meter wooden mast. As hope in the company, increasing the height of installation of the turbine will allow you to get 30-40% more energy, while the cost of construction of wooden towers will be 20% less than steel. According to the calculations of the builders that will reduce the cost of energy production to about 5 cents per kilowatt-hour.
To acquire wind turbines is possible at us on the website: shop.
/vetroenergetiki, in this case, the Vensys 77 model, but in Hannover it
Source: /users/104
The towers takes a lot of energy, during metal smelting, and in production of their components, which is associated with greenhouse gas emissions and reduce overall ecological effect of the introduction of clean wind energy. In an effort to demonstrate the technology, the most environmentally friendly, the German company TimberTower has erected in Hanover, the world's first a 1.5-megawatt wind turbine hardwood.

The turbine itself is the same as at other wind energy facilities, in this case, the Vensys 77 model, but in Hanover it is installed on 100-metre mast, built of wood. Wooden mast-tower assembled from laminated wood panels and other components manufactured on production outside the construction site. To the Assembly all parts are shipped in regular containers.
Says managing Director of Holberg the death of a Ghost (Holger Giebel): "the TimberTower is a milestone on the path to environmentally friendly energy production because we use 99% renewable resources.
A wooden mast is easier to build and dismantle when necessary. Its construction required 300 tonnes less steel than conventional towers, which reduces carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by about 400 tons.
Containers additional advantage of the new technology. The fact that the height of the steel masts is physically limited by the diameter of the base. To the 110-meter mast was strong and resistant, the base must be 4.2 meters in diameter. This size – as for example for transporting items on the roads of Germany and other European countries.
Details of the wooden mast is quite small and can be transported in standard containers. This means that removed restrictions on the diameter and the height of the mast. Turbine on wooden towers can be raised to a great height, allowing to increase their effectiveness.

Visually, the new mast out of wood similar to conventional steel. Its body has an octagonal cross-section that provides extra strength, it has the same base diameter. The assurances of the company, the theoretical height of their design can reach 200 meters. The minimum duration of the life cycle of the turbine is 40 years.
Currently there is a development of the 140-meter wooden mast. As hope in the company, increasing the height of installation of the turbine will allow you to get 30-40% more energy, while the cost of construction of wooden towers will be 20% less than steel. According to the calculations of the builders that will reduce the cost of energy production to about 5 cents per kilowatt-hour.
To acquire wind turbines is possible at us on the website: shop.
/vetroenergetiki, in this case, the Vensys 77 model, but in Hannover it
Source: /users/104