Cinnamon for weight loss
Just imagine that there were wars because of cinnamon. Long before the appearance of the pyramids, the aroma of cinnamon was known in ancient China and Egypt. Noble beauties made with the help of these spices mask for hair and skin. From the very beginning of its mining for many centuries, it entered the cooking of all peoples of the world. Due to special qualities to increase appetite, digestion of food, activates the work of many internal organs. Also, the discovery, cinnamon is an antiseptic, prevents seasickness, destroys tuberculosis bacillus.
In some countries, the value of cinnamon acquired a huge capital, for example, in ancient Greece 35 kg of cinnamon was equal to 5 kg of gold. It is not surprising why only wealthy people indulged in cinnamon. Famous for his evil actions, Emperor Nero after the death of his wife Poppeia Sabina scattered over the funeral bonfires a year's supply of cinnamon. Now cinnamon is obtained from the bark of brown trees that grow in the subtropical climate of India, Ceylon at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. To get the maximum benefit from cinnamon in the fight against extra pounds, you should pay attention to its freshness. In the worst case, if cinnamon is of poor quality, a positive result will not affect your figure.
Thus, cinnamon is used in this form:
A) Mixed in different dishes, and 1 time you need to eat no more than 1⁄2 tsp. spice, because with this normalizes the work of all systems and organs of the body and lost pounds no longer appear at a slim waist and after the end of such a diet, the same pounds will not return.
B) Pour it into drinks. The taste of cinnamon is slightly sweet, so you can partially or completely replace sugar with it.
B) A body scrub is also useful, which will even give it a bronze coloration when used constantly. To do this, mix ground coffee beans, cinnamon, 2 g of turmeric in equal proportions and stir the right amount of liquid honey to form gruel. apply every evening after a contrast shower for 5 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Do not wipe the body, but apply baby oil so that it retains a bronze color.
Source: /users/147
In some countries, the value of cinnamon acquired a huge capital, for example, in ancient Greece 35 kg of cinnamon was equal to 5 kg of gold. It is not surprising why only wealthy people indulged in cinnamon. Famous for his evil actions, Emperor Nero after the death of his wife Poppeia Sabina scattered over the funeral bonfires a year's supply of cinnamon. Now cinnamon is obtained from the bark of brown trees that grow in the subtropical climate of India, Ceylon at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. To get the maximum benefit from cinnamon in the fight against extra pounds, you should pay attention to its freshness. In the worst case, if cinnamon is of poor quality, a positive result will not affect your figure.
Thus, cinnamon is used in this form:
A) Mixed in different dishes, and 1 time you need to eat no more than 1⁄2 tsp. spice, because with this normalizes the work of all systems and organs of the body and lost pounds no longer appear at a slim waist and after the end of such a diet, the same pounds will not return.
B) Pour it into drinks. The taste of cinnamon is slightly sweet, so you can partially or completely replace sugar with it.
B) A body scrub is also useful, which will even give it a bronze coloration when used constantly. To do this, mix ground coffee beans, cinnamon, 2 g of turmeric in equal proportions and stir the right amount of liquid honey to form gruel. apply every evening after a contrast shower for 5 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Do not wipe the body, but apply baby oil so that it retains a bronze color.
Source: /users/147