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Gold: say NO to multiple sclerosis and old age

Gold (Aurum) (Au) multiple sclerosis and age — no! Gold enhances the bactericidal action of silver. Metallic gold is non-toxic to the human body, unlike organic derivatives used as drugs. In homeopathic doses has a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect. Perhaps part of gold in normalization of immune processes in the body.
Thirty one million nine hundred fifteen thousand two hundred thirty six

The daily requirement of the human body are unknown, there is some evidence that it is 2-4 µg.In the adult human body contains about 10 mg of gold, about half of this amount is concentrated in the bones. Gold distribution in the body depends on the solubility of its compounds. Colloidal compounds largely accumulated in the liver, whereas soluble in the kidneys.The biological role in the human body: the mechanism of the biological action of gold compounds is not entirely clear, but it is now known that gold can be part of metalloproteins, to interact with copper and proteases, gidrolizuemye collagen, as well as with elastases, and other active components of connective tissue. Gold can be involved in the binding of hormones in the tissues.Small doses of gold effective in diseases characteristic of aging of the body, atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, periodontal disease, deforming arthritis, hypertension, liver disease, depressive States. Gold enhances the bactericidal action of silver, has antimicrobial and antiviral action, participates in the normalization of immune processes in the body. Synergists and antagonists of gold is not established.Signs of insufficiency of gold: polyarthritis, deforming arthritis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver disease, depression. When an excess of gold in the body observed toxicity. Poisoning gold is a very rare phenomenon. The mechanism of toxicity of gold based on the high affinity of this element to the sulfhydryl groups of proteins, resulting in gold inhibits SH–enzymes. This mechanism is implemented, for example, in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, when long-term administration of gold preparations reduce the activity of the sulfhydryl enzyme systems and complexes of leukocytes, in the end ensuring the reduction of the concentration of rheumatoid factor. However, the negative impact of excessive amounts of gold can be easily removed by the introduction of 2,3–dimercaptopropanol, SH–group which separates the gold from proteins containing SH–groups, restoring their normal properties.
Chronic poisoning: symptoms of CNS depression, pain along the nerves; the appearance of painful spots on the skin; sweating, pain in bones, joints, muscles, swelling of the legs; conjunctivitis; aplastic bone marrow hypoplasia; pancytopenia (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), decrease in body weight. The gold must: for arthritis, osteoarthritis, periodontal disease, deforming arthritis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver disease, depressive States.Iodide of gold known as anti-sclerotic drug, has no side effects. Iodide of gold is often effective in diseases characteristic of the aging organism, osteoarthritis, periodontal disease, deforming arthritis, hypertension, liver disease, depressive States. Iodide often gold suitable for tired life of the old men, sluggish and malozhiznesposobnaya.
In the middle ages gold was used in the treatment of patients with a variety of diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, syphilis, epilepsy, eye diseases, malignant tumors.
Nowadays, products based on various gold salts are used in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, Felty's syndrome, lupus erythematosus.Such drugs include auranofin, krizanol etc. Drugs are introduced gold as orally or parenterally, in the form of colloidal solutions (the so-called chrysotherapy). As a rule, the application of gold preparations due to the large number of side effects and contraindications.
Radioactive gold (198Au) is used in the treatment of certain neoplastic diseases, primarily lung cancer.
Four million five hundred twenty two thousand two hundred ninety four


Food sources of gold: grains, leaves and stalks of corn.

Ocean waters contain variable amounts of gold (from trace amounts to 65 mg/t).published 

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Source: www.pharmacognosy.com.ua/index.php/makro-i-mikro-chudesa/zoloto-sklerozu-i-starosti-net