Diet "3 hours"
To lose weight, do not eat chilli, drink Apple cider vinegar, swallow diet pills, sew up the stomach or, even worse, to have worms! No need to blame yourself for the extra eaten bun, ismodal punitive and, at times, a very dangerous diet which you have learned from friends. Provide you the most simple and tasty diet.
The essence of the diet "three hours"– you need to eat every three hours. This diet – no tedious and paranoid counting calories, and not a rejection of a delicious and favorite food.
Your daily diet should consist of three main meals, two snacks and one piece of sweet.
Your Breakfast should be eaten within 60 minutes after you woke up, but the next meal should be held no earlier and no later than 3 hours. After all, that is the whole point of this technique of weight loss, because you just do not load the stomach, and is used in your food during this time manages to assimilate all fats to burn.
Before going to bed should not eat 3 hours. Eating the food at the chart you provide your body with the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The most basic is that food should be consumed in small portions and every 3 hours.
Source: /users/155
The essence of the diet "three hours"– you need to eat every three hours. This diet – no tedious and paranoid counting calories, and not a rejection of a delicious and favorite food.

Your daily diet should consist of three main meals, two snacks and one piece of sweet.

Your Breakfast should be eaten within 60 minutes after you woke up, but the next meal should be held no earlier and no later than 3 hours. After all, that is the whole point of this technique of weight loss, because you just do not load the stomach, and is used in your food during this time manages to assimilate all fats to burn.

Before going to bed should not eat 3 hours. Eating the food at the chart you provide your body with the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The most basic is that food should be consumed in small portions and every 3 hours.
Source: /users/155