Diathesis in an infant

Call of diathesis in a child with the disease is very difficult. If we talk about allergic diathesis, that is, most likely, a special state body that determines the reaction of the baby on certain foods. The symptoms of Allergy are manifested. covered with crust. Often the spots appear in the cheeks, forehead and hands. In most cases, allergies are easily tolerated, but we should not lose vigilance, after all, known cases where diathesis developed into severe respiratory disease from frequent seizures.

Typically, an allergic diathesis is manifested in children, small infants and disappears up to 1-2 years. Lactating mothers should carefully monitor the reaction of the child to each new product of its supply. If at some point was seen redness, it is necessary to adjust diet breastfeeding until complete disappearance of the problem. It is necessary to remove from the diet of "bad" foods: citrus fruits, animal fats, dairy, sweet, flour. When the child is on artificial feeding, the parents should immediately change the mixture.

For this it is better to consult the pediatrician. It is important to monitor the condition of children's skin during the period of complementary feeding. After all, as practice has shown, very often the kids are allergic even to many fruits and vegetables. At this time it is recommended to acquaint baby with new foods very cautiously and moderately. If, however, to avoid diathesis has failed, we must turn to the pediatrician, who will prescribe you medication in the form of ointments and lotions to relieve redness and itching.

Many suggest to use a different mixture of herbs for local modifications. Basically we are talking about infusions and mixtures of succession, burdock root, and egg shell. But it is important to remember that the diathesis may portend a more serous disease. Therefore, if redness of your baby become very frequent, you just have to see a specialist.

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