Bow from different illness
The bow is popular among mankind at a conservative estimate, about 4,000 years. It is considered that onions people first began to grow in Central Asia, where they to this day can be found in the wild. Leek originally from the Mediterranean, where it now grows old ancestor and pearl onions. The onion is used not only in cooking.
Here are a few interesting uses of onion: when you cough. You need to mix in equal parts grated onions, apples, add a lot of honey. Take one spoon 3 times a day. You can still onion peels brew in 1 liter of water. Take 2/3 Cup 3 times a day with honey. Onions are useful in the blisters. You need to boil the onion in the dining vinegar and apply to the affected area.
Inflammatory and purulent skin diseases, onion can also help. Grate the onion and soap in equal proportions, add the same number (as Luke) of fat. It should be melted, mix well. In case of mental fatigue after severe diseases can be used bulbs. Grind in a food processor or finely grate onion, beets, carrots and one large lemon with peel in a proportion of 1/1. Add the same amount of sunflower or olive oil and a little honey. Stir well and refrigerate. Drink 2 tablespoons once in the morning on an empty stomach.
If dandruff a handful of onion peel brewed with one Cup of boiling water. And add to the water when rinsing hair. But be sure to remember that onions can cause severe irritation of the digestive system and increases the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, contraindicated in: kidney or liver disease, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, sensitivity.
Source: /users/117

Here are a few interesting uses of onion: when you cough. You need to mix in equal parts grated onions, apples, add a lot of honey. Take one spoon 3 times a day. You can still onion peels brew in 1 liter of water. Take 2/3 Cup 3 times a day with honey. Onions are useful in the blisters. You need to boil the onion in the dining vinegar and apply to the affected area.

Inflammatory and purulent skin diseases, onion can also help. Grate the onion and soap in equal proportions, add the same number (as Luke) of fat. It should be melted, mix well. In case of mental fatigue after severe diseases can be used bulbs. Grind in a food processor or finely grate onion, beets, carrots and one large lemon with peel in a proportion of 1/1. Add the same amount of sunflower or olive oil and a little honey. Stir well and refrigerate. Drink 2 tablespoons once in the morning on an empty stomach.

If dandruff a handful of onion peel brewed with one Cup of boiling water. And add to the water when rinsing hair. But be sure to remember that onions can cause severe irritation of the digestive system and increases the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, contraindicated in: kidney or liver disease, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, sensitivity.

Source: /users/117