Sharing Dixie
First, they listened to music on the gramophone, then on tape, then on computer, and now a phone without music? There are, of course, people who still have not bought a phone with the properties of the mp3 player, but it's the older generation who simply don't feel the need listening to music in this way. They have radio, in extreme cases, the tape recorder.
Modern man due to the development of technology does not even need the mp3 player because the music is available directly phone, look at least a straight, even with headphones. But the properties of the mp3 player is not the last that includes the phone. To tell about all the properties there is no need, as you yourself well know all about them!
You know, we call a modern phone phone is not desirable. From what we used to call a telephone, he kept only one (the only early phones) feature to send voice messages, you have to call. Smartphones, iPhone, some people love to christen the phone, it is still what is called computer phone if you have Internet and Skype.
Despite the fact that modern gadgets support Internet and allow you calm as you go to the web page and download files, the preference for downloading (it so happened) still, is given to the computer. Downloading the same song on your PC, you can successfully send it to your smartphone, iPhone or phone. But it so happens that the computer not Bluetooth, you don't have a card reader and usb cable from the gadget somewhere lost. In this case, it would be very useful for Dixie – the invention of designer Amy Ardhyaska.
Her invention – it's such a "neutral zone" between all the gadgets and computers. Dixie allows the transfer of data from itself, and takes them for what would then have somewhere to transfer them. The device can share files with any device. Happened the same, after all, you have is that it was simply impossible to transmit a picture, or anything else from one phone to another!?
The main thing is not to lose the usb cord from Dixie, otherwise its functionality is much reduced!
Source: /users/104
Modern man due to the development of technology does not even need the mp3 player because the music is available directly phone, look at least a straight, even with headphones. But the properties of the mp3 player is not the last that includes the phone. To tell about all the properties there is no need, as you yourself well know all about them!

You know, we call a modern phone phone is not desirable. From what we used to call a telephone, he kept only one (the only early phones) feature to send voice messages, you have to call. Smartphones, iPhone, some people love to christen the phone, it is still what is called computer phone if you have Internet and Skype.
Despite the fact that modern gadgets support Internet and allow you calm as you go to the web page and download files, the preference for downloading (it so happened) still, is given to the computer. Downloading the same song on your PC, you can successfully send it to your smartphone, iPhone or phone. But it so happens that the computer not Bluetooth, you don't have a card reader and usb cable from the gadget somewhere lost. In this case, it would be very useful for Dixie – the invention of designer Amy Ardhyaska.

Her invention – it's such a "neutral zone" between all the gadgets and computers. Dixie allows the transfer of data from itself, and takes them for what would then have somewhere to transfer them. The device can share files with any device. Happened the same, after all, you have is that it was simply impossible to transmit a picture, or anything else from one phone to another!?
The main thing is not to lose the usb cord from Dixie, otherwise its functionality is much reduced!

Source: /users/104
The sculpture of Labrador, near the building Museum in California
Mask and scrubs for the face of coffee