Parse universal tee PowerCube Extended USB: features and principle of operation

Any owner of a large number of consumer devices and gadgets sooner or later faced with a lack of available sockets. As a result, have to disable less priority at the moment the device (such as a printer) to connect the higher priority (adapter to charge a dead battery).
But it is not always something you can disable without prejudice to any task, and it is necessary to look for new ways to solve problems. One of them may be a device PowerCube Extended USB - a cube with rosettes on 4 sides, two USB ports on the fifth side and a connector for the very devaysa to the network - the sixth.
Features PowerCube Extended USB

Since this is a simple device, the function he has only one - to connect various devices to the mains. Thanks to the USB port PowerCube Extended USB allows you to connect to the network at the same time any two of the gadget to charge their akkmulyatorov.

Included with the PowerCube Extended USB extension cable supplied and mounting platform. This equipment allows you to set the device itself on the table or any other surface that all connectors have been handy. In order to "cube" non-slip, and require adhesive mounting plate. The manufacturer claims that traces of adhesive does not leave.
If you want to connect PowerCube Extended USB directly into an outlet - you need to use the appropriate adapter, which is also available in the bundle.

Sockets and various adapters dismantled many of us, we decided to investigate further and PowerCube Extended USB, to see which parts and materials used to create the manufacturer of your device.
[Downward] Lower body multishtekera power board, socket housing with the identification sticker, rosette module (block) multishtekera housing, cover multishtekera cord with a plug, socket inserts, fasteners power board to the chassis multishtekera, fasteners for a stable position a cord cover (to close the bolt holes).
[Left to right] Lower body multishtekera power board, rosette module (block) multishtekera housing, cover multishtekera cord with plug on the end, socket inserts, fasteners power board to the chassis multishtekera, fasteners for stable position cord cover (for to close the bolt holes).
[Left] The lower part of the body multishtekera power board. On this board are located connecting wires and elements for regulation and voltage stabilization. Glued to the body 2 connector USB.
Lower housing multishtekera power board. On this board are located connecting wires and elements for regulation and voltage stabilization. Glued to the body 2 connector USB.
Micrograph of the inner side of the power supply board multishtekera.
Himself PowerCube Extended USB can be very useful in the office, in the apartment, as well as in a business trip. It can be used in a cafe, for example, connect to the network at the same time the phone, tablet and laptop.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/medgadgets/blog/240760/