The mountain of the presidents: the reserved nature USA
The mountain received its name from Charles Rushmore, a new York lawyer and a researcher who was looking for minerals during the late 19th century. History of the memorial began in 1923, when the historian Doane Robinson proposed the idea to promote tourism in South Dakota, creating a large sculpture on Mount Rushmore. The main Gutzon sculptor Borglum and his 400 workers began work on the colossal carved figures in October 1927. It was decided that the sculpture would depict four us presidents who played a major role in the preservation and expansion of the United States of America. When the carving of the sculptures started in 1927, the first on the line was George Washington that You see the extreme left side.
The following figure is the National Monument of mount Rushmore was Thomas Jefferson, located to the right of Washington. The Jefferson sculpture was originally placed to the left, but halfway through the sculpture, Borglum discovered that the stone quality has become worse. This ultimately forced them to start the sculpture in the place where she is now. Visitors to mount Rushmore can see the large hole left from Washington caused by the explosions.
Following the sculpture of mount Rushmore portrays Abraham Lincoln.
Past President, second from right, is Theodore Roosevelt. During the work of Borglum and his workers were having trouble finding a suitable rock, which forced them stronger to go deep into the mountain. Fortunately, they didn't have to go too far before finding the rock, where they were able to sculpt. This is the reason why Roosevelt is slightly deeper than the other three presidents. In 1939 was opened the sculpture of Roosevelt.
Creating sculptures of mount Rushmore, Borglum used dynamite in an innovative way, which helped remove large amounts of rocks relatively quickly and inexpensively. Approximately 90 percent of all remote granite were discarded in the process of using dynamite. More specifically, the work was done using chisels and hammers, finished a special pneumatic drill which provided a smooth surface. When the construction of the sculpture was completed, all the waste granite was removed from the mountain. Huge granite pile easy to see below the memorial. Most of the workers were experienced mountaineers, often former miners and rock climbers. This was the reason why not a single worker died during the operation, which is quite unusual for a project of this size.
With the end faces Roosevelt in 1939, the memorial took the form we see today. Plans regarding Borglum of mount Rushmore, however, included much more than just the faces of the presidents. The original plan was to sculpt a massive panel next to the faces, in the form of Purchase of Louisiana. The Louisiana purchase was an agreement between the United States and France, where France sold a large part of today's Central US territories.
Borglum also wanted to create a hall into the mountain behind the memorial which is known as the “Hall of Records” and store a large part of American history, which is associated with these presidents. The sculptor said; "You might similar to to throw a letter without an address in Inbox, how to cut in the mountain face without their historic identity." The original plan also included sculptures of the torso of the presidents, not just their faces.
However, as You can see, none of the torsos of the presidents has not been done, you can see just the beginning of Washington and Lincoln. “Hall of Records” was also started but never finished. The main reason for this is that the architect and the man who led the project forward, Gutzon Borglum, suddenly died of an embolism in 1941. His son Lincoln tried to continue, but the death of his father and the Second world war led to serious funding problem which caused a halt in construction for a year. National the the mount Rushmore memorial was left as we know it today.
Source: /users/740

The following figure is the National Monument of mount Rushmore was Thomas Jefferson, located to the right of Washington. The Jefferson sculpture was originally placed to the left, but halfway through the sculpture, Borglum discovered that the stone quality has become worse. This ultimately forced them to start the sculpture in the place where she is now. Visitors to mount Rushmore can see the large hole left from Washington caused by the explosions.

Following the sculpture of mount Rushmore portrays Abraham Lincoln.
Past President, second from right, is Theodore Roosevelt. During the work of Borglum and his workers were having trouble finding a suitable rock, which forced them stronger to go deep into the mountain. Fortunately, they didn't have to go too far before finding the rock, where they were able to sculpt. This is the reason why Roosevelt is slightly deeper than the other three presidents. In 1939 was opened the sculpture of Roosevelt.
Creating sculptures of mount Rushmore, Borglum used dynamite in an innovative way, which helped remove large amounts of rocks relatively quickly and inexpensively. Approximately 90 percent of all remote granite were discarded in the process of using dynamite. More specifically, the work was done using chisels and hammers, finished a special pneumatic drill which provided a smooth surface. When the construction of the sculpture was completed, all the waste granite was removed from the mountain. Huge granite pile easy to see below the memorial. Most of the workers were experienced mountaineers, often former miners and rock climbers. This was the reason why not a single worker died during the operation, which is quite unusual for a project of this size.
With the end faces Roosevelt in 1939, the memorial took the form we see today. Plans regarding Borglum of mount Rushmore, however, included much more than just the faces of the presidents. The original plan was to sculpt a massive panel next to the faces, in the form of Purchase of Louisiana. The Louisiana purchase was an agreement between the United States and France, where France sold a large part of today's Central US territories.

Borglum also wanted to create a hall into the mountain behind the memorial which is known as the “Hall of Records” and store a large part of American history, which is associated with these presidents. The sculptor said; "You might similar to to throw a letter without an address in Inbox, how to cut in the mountain face without their historic identity." The original plan also included sculptures of the torso of the presidents, not just their faces.
However, as You can see, none of the torsos of the presidents has not been done, you can see just the beginning of Washington and Lincoln. “Hall of Records” was also started but never finished. The main reason for this is that the architect and the man who led the project forward, Gutzon Borglum, suddenly died of an embolism in 1941. His son Lincoln tried to continue, but the death of his father and the Second world war led to serious funding problem which caused a halt in construction for a year. National the the mount Rushmore memorial was left as we know it today.

Source: /users/740