Sunburn and sun protection for baby
If earlier, until a few decades ago, doctors urged the sun as an important procedure for healing, today they are increasingly being told that sun exposure must be strictly limited. Especially it is not shown to children and toddlers under three years old is generally better not to take in a hot country.
Sunlight is the best medicine for kids who are sick of various skin diseases, like atopic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. But all the dermatologists and pediatricians say that to obtain a stable therapeutic effect need not just the sun, and the combination of sun and sea, and for at least a month.
A person has natural protection from the sun. The first and most reliable is the ability to tan (produce the pigment melanin that protects the skin). The second defense of the body is perspiration, which contains rocanova acid, can absorb the harmful ultraviolet rays (this is a natural chemical sunscreen). You first need to choose the type of sun filter, protection factor that is suitable for your child.
Modern means for protection from the sun filters are chemical (synthesized organic compounds) and physical (titanium dioxide and zinc oxide). Physical filters, when applied to the skin, reflect the sun's rays. They are less allergenic, so they are often used in children's sunscreens. Another advantage of them is they begin to act immediately after application to the skin.
But have these filters disadvantages: production is using nanotehnology, suggests the presence of a metal of titanium, and therefore, their use is potentially carcinogenic, and the degree of protection they provide is low. Chemical filters have a different mechanism of action: they absorb harmful sun rays, turning them into heat. These filters start to operate after about half an hour after application to the skin.
Source: /users/559