Giant busts of the presidents
Mount Rushmore commemorates the birth, growth and development of the United States. Giant busts of presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln on the rock represent not only the first 150 years of US history, but also remind us that the monument of this scale required an engineering and construction know-how. The author of the monument used a variety of mechanical tools and equipment blasting to achieve your goal. Every person reaches a height of over 18 meters, all of them are carved with fine details.
The author of this grandiose monument was the sculptor, Borglum Gatson; he was not the first to whom I addressed with the offer to Robinson, but passionately interested in this idea – that Borglum had the idea to portray in stone the great American political figures. Of course, each of these individuals was worthy of such great honor George Washington, the first President, Thomas Jefferson, one of the authors of the American Declaration of independence, Theodore Roosevelt, ruled the country in the eventful early years of the last century, abolishing slavery campaigner for the preservation of the Union Abraham Lincoln, March 5, 1925, signed a bill authorizing work to begin, however, it took more than two years before began the creation of the monument – as it often happens, it was all about lack of funds. Work on the monument began only 4 Oct 1927; a considerable part of them came in the years of the great depression, and Borglum had to deal not only directly works on the rock, but obtaining necessary to continue funding.
The memorial was opened in stages – by July of 1930 was ready for the head of Washington, in 1936 – Jefferson, next year, Lincoln finally, in 1939, the year was completed to create the image of President Roosevelt. A million dollars and fourteen years of hard work it has taken to finish a Grand affair; Gatson Borglum died in March 1941, did not live a few months before the full completion of works on creation of a Grand monument, and completion of the works was managed by his son Lincoln.
Source: /users/117

The author of this grandiose monument was the sculptor, Borglum Gatson; he was not the first to whom I addressed with the offer to Robinson, but passionately interested in this idea – that Borglum had the idea to portray in stone the great American political figures. Of course, each of these individuals was worthy of such great honor George Washington, the first President, Thomas Jefferson, one of the authors of the American Declaration of independence, Theodore Roosevelt, ruled the country in the eventful early years of the last century, abolishing slavery campaigner for the preservation of the Union Abraham Lincoln, March 5, 1925, signed a bill authorizing work to begin, however, it took more than two years before began the creation of the monument – as it often happens, it was all about lack of funds. Work on the monument began only 4 Oct 1927; a considerable part of them came in the years of the great depression, and Borglum had to deal not only directly works on the rock, but obtaining necessary to continue funding.

The memorial was opened in stages – by July of 1930 was ready for the head of Washington, in 1936 – Jefferson, next year, Lincoln finally, in 1939, the year was completed to create the image of President Roosevelt. A million dollars and fourteen years of hard work it has taken to finish a Grand affair; Gatson Borglum died in March 1941, did not live a few months before the full completion of works on creation of a Grand monument, and completion of the works was managed by his son Lincoln.

Source: /users/117