Japanese engineers have created a computer that can be worn on the ear

At first glance, the device resembles the device for the hearing impaired. In fact, it is a miniature personal computer weighs only 17 grams. The device boasts Bluetooth, compass, gyroscope, microphone, speaker, GPS and battery. Computer worn on the ear, will join the family of already existing devices wearable electronics such as Google Glass. To download the software it is equipped with a microprocessor and internal flash drive. The design of the gadget has not managed and without traditional Japanese ikebana — his color palette is carefully considered.

Computer worn on the ear like a earring. It can be connected to various types of mobile devices. But perhaps the main feature will be the ability to control the gadget through facial expressions. Instead of the usual manipulation by mouse, keyboard or finger is encouraged to move eyebrows, tossing the tongue, the nose, and when necessary, and impact the teeth.
But that's not all. Computer earphone can be a "third hand" for people with disabilities, racers, astronauts and other professions, which are constantly busy hands. The gadget is ready to suggest the name of an object, which is enough to look in the right direction. Naturally, he is available all the possibilities of the Internet.
The creators of the computer have not forgotten about the elderly. The device can perform the function of a hearing aid, the whereabouts of the owner, to measure heart rate, body temperature and even count the number of sneezes. Currently, the unique gadget is being tested.
Source: techcult.ru