The importance of communication of the child with the mother
The mother is the most important for human personality. The mother lays the child energy. From her karma, her piety, her attitude very much depends on the fate of the child.
Most of the complexes and psychological problems people earn in childhood. Parents affect the fate of the child is either very positively or very negatively, or neutrally. But in any case, the parents have a tremendous impact on the child, even if they are not involved in education.
If the mother had stopped breastfeeding and went to work is very bad. During puberty and later this child may be the aggression to his mother. He is a subconscious program — mother betrayed me.
The sex of the baby and mother are one. During pregnancy, the mother can either fight with someone or Vice versa spiritually to work on yourself, change your consciousness. In the second case, it will be very helpful to the child.
And often in the life of the mother and child very enhanced programs. If the mother is aggressive towards men, and the daughter as well. Usually it comes in the genus. Drawn like a soul, and the daughter suddenly a huge burst of aggression towards her husband or to men in General. She doesn't even understand why. Or for some reason the man begins to betray, to act badly. Women have to work out this for himself and for the child. If she will forgive the offense, accept it goes right the situation, then it can be very life change, and the child too. And the child may be born with the already used main karmic programs.
The first 3 months the child does almost not protected energetically. Not recommended during the first 3 months anyone to see the child, except for close relatives (preferably and picture). A mother and child have to live closed, isolated.
At this time, the child is considered to be not immune, energy protection (easy to touch wood as they say). And this period is very dependent on his mother. Further crucial first three years when the child is one with the mother. And so, in General, up to 7 years most strongly. Then the child is included logic, and then for him, as it "opens" the father. After about 8 years the father becomes very important.
Mother important, especially in modern civilization, since there is no respect for women, the female aspect is not welcome here. Especially the moon aspect. Now women have more cultivated male psychology. Success, career, job, outside activities, fame, cult of the body. The desire to succeed is destructive by its nature. We should strive to be happy, but the gloss is still going to leave us. Then we would not have achieved anyway, it's all gone. The main thing is inner development.
Source: /users/1077

Most of the complexes and psychological problems people earn in childhood. Parents affect the fate of the child is either very positively or very negatively, or neutrally. But in any case, the parents have a tremendous impact on the child, even if they are not involved in education.
If the mother had stopped breastfeeding and went to work is very bad. During puberty and later this child may be the aggression to his mother. He is a subconscious program — mother betrayed me.
The sex of the baby and mother are one. During pregnancy, the mother can either fight with someone or Vice versa spiritually to work on yourself, change your consciousness. In the second case, it will be very helpful to the child.

And often in the life of the mother and child very enhanced programs. If the mother is aggressive towards men, and the daughter as well. Usually it comes in the genus. Drawn like a soul, and the daughter suddenly a huge burst of aggression towards her husband or to men in General. She doesn't even understand why. Or for some reason the man begins to betray, to act badly. Women have to work out this for himself and for the child. If she will forgive the offense, accept it goes right the situation, then it can be very life change, and the child too. And the child may be born with the already used main karmic programs.

The first 3 months the child does almost not protected energetically. Not recommended during the first 3 months anyone to see the child, except for close relatives (preferably and picture). A mother and child have to live closed, isolated.
At this time, the child is considered to be not immune, energy protection (easy to touch wood as they say). And this period is very dependent on his mother. Further crucial first three years when the child is one with the mother. And so, in General, up to 7 years most strongly. Then the child is included logic, and then for him, as it "opens" the father. After about 8 years the father becomes very important.
Mother important, especially in modern civilization, since there is no respect for women, the female aspect is not welcome here. Especially the moon aspect. Now women have more cultivated male psychology. Success, career, job, outside activities, fame, cult of the body. The desire to succeed is destructive by its nature. We should strive to be happy, but the gloss is still going to leave us. Then we would not have achieved anyway, it's all gone. The main thing is inner development.
Source: /users/1077
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