Sports furniture new conceptual trend in design

"Oh sport! You — interior" — and I want to say about the project furniture Gymnastics, gymnastic series of furniture from Velichkovo Katarina (Katarina Belickova). In its presentation of traditional items of furniture should be similar to traditional exercise equipment. This will enable not only the original design of the room, but gently, unobtrusively attach households to the sport. As you know, movement is life, and to sit at home and MOPE on the couch — a luxury for a young body and a cheerful spirit.

Those who had never been in the gym who aren't interested in sports, neither in General nor in particular, will not have a clue why some items from this headset is referred to as sports, but for the other more than obvious. Gymnastic rings and bars — they're hangers for clothes, underwear, towels. A low daybed with drawer — she's a couch for sports changing rooms. But the most original and attractive piece of furniture from the Gymnastics furniture is a high chair with an unusual back and a soft seat. Athletes call it "goat", but he's not offended.

Sports furniture from the furniture Gymnastics — only project, conceptual development designer. Perhaps in the future, Katherine Velichkova and complement the existing set of new objects created based on the gymnastic apparatus. There is also a trampoline and a balance beam for gymnastics, rope and bars, a bridge and lots of additional accessories, ranging from balls for fitness, ending with clubs, ribbons, hoops. But while the series offers a very modest, if not meager, range.
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