The harmony of wild nature photos Fahmi Bhs

One may admire the beauty of architectural buildings, jewelry, culinary delights and products of the textile industry. But the most beautiful was, is and will be mother nature in all its manifestations. That is why the photographers from different countries like to remove fields, forests, rivers, and the numerous animals that live there. Our review on the most striking images dedicated to nature, from Amateur photographer Fahmi Bhs.

Unique footage was made in Indonesia. Each snapshot is infused with vulnerability and poignancy, and all the characters seem to be spontaneity, as if before them is not a photographer with a camera, and the usual tree. How to create collection and what tricks had to be resorted to, Fahmi Bhs is not recognized. Only as he explains the harmony of his works is the fact that he grew up in Jakarta and most of the diaper accustomed to the wild, and all animals living in Indonesia.

Source: daypic.ru/animals/189352
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