The most dangerous places in the world for the bravest tourists
Humans consider themselves to be at the top of the food chain, but not all animals know it yet. Travel lovers can easily become someone’s breakfast not only in dangerous places, but also in national parks. It is important to know where to behave very prudently, and in any case do not move away from the guides.
Manu National Park in Peru offers a look at the luxurious predators – jaguars. But they can look at you from a tree or from a tall grass. The jaguar attacks from the side or back, snacking on the cervical vertebrae and sometimes breaking the base of the skull. However, if you run, the jaguar is unlikely to chase you.
The coast of Baja California is a favorite destination not only for divers and surfers, but also for great white sharks, which do not eat people too often, but regularly injure them. Many people like the risk, so you can go underwater in a cage and feed the sharks behind the bars.
Kao Sok National Park in Thailand attracts snake lovers. Here lives the largest population of king cobras, individual specimens reach a length of more than five meters, and their poison can easily kill an elephant. Hundreds of locals regularly die from reptiles bites, but with a guide you are unlikely to be in danger.
South Luangwa National Park in Zambia is not a place for the faint of heart. If you decide to buy a tourist tent, and admire the slow hippos in the light of the moon, you should be careful: young individuals are aggressive, and especially dangerous at night when they come ashore. About 200 people are killed each year.
The thunderstorm of Kakadu National Park, located in Australia, has always been crocodiles. Each year several people are killed or injured due to collisions with these reptiles. Usually, the reason is too close contact with the animal and not the most friendly nature of the predator. A great time to visit the park will be the second half of summer, when the sun warms and the crocodiles lie calmly, basking in its rays.
Tanzania is a mysterious country that attracts many tourists. This is the only place on the planet where the number of lion attacks on humans increases every year. On average, 30 people per year die in the paws of white lions, but this does not stop visitors who visit the country to see the powerful predator in its natural habitat.
The main thing is that wherever you go in search of adventure, it is worth remembering that you are in foreign territory and you should observe at least minimum standards of etiquette and safety. Do not overestimate your abilities and patience of wild animals who will never give up an exotic dish.
Source: prirodadi.ru