Healthy emotions body
Fifty three million seven hundred sixty thousand nine hundred fifty four
It is no secret that our body responds to emotions. This feature of the behavior passed to us from the distant wild ancestors of animals. And if such bodily expression of aggression, fear, anxiety, anger – is necessary for adequate interaction with the outside world, we are forced to suppress these reactions in favor of the public morals. Dog claws compresses and strains the jaws in anger. In humans, the same is spasm of the flexors and facial muscles. Adrenaline thrown. Quickens the heartbeat. But the dog after the expiration of the irritant factor quickly calms down. Man, by virtue of suppression of emotions, or, on the contrary, mentally fixing them, all the time returns to a stress condition. And cramping persists. Disrupted the heart, bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, pelvic organs. Similar happens with the fear. In animals stands hair on end, the person coming in the spasm of the muscles of the neck area of the cervical and thoracic, increased blood pressure, disturbed sleep. Animals wimp out, and people straining the pelvic diaphragm and, consequently, gets chronic disorder of sexual function, infertility in women, miscarriage, menstrual disorders. The breach of the intestine, constipation is a sign of hidden depression, depressed, sadness. Diarrhea is a symptom of emotional instability, insecurities, same fears. Negative emotions disturb the entire smooth musculature of the body, lead to dysfunction of the emptying of the gallbladder, pancreas, and urinary bladder. As the body constantly spends vital resources for the maintenance of internal stress, muscle spasm – reduced immunity. In combination with circulatory disorders of the clamped bodies, it leads to development of chronic infectious processes: cystitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, gastritis and many other -"timetables".
The above is terrible, but reflects only half the amount of bodily and emotional diseases.
The other half is the consequences of physical injuries. Very often, strong emotions will impair our ability to coordination, an adequate response to the emerging challenging situation. For example, the husband, after a quarrel with his wife sits behind the wheel, not cope with the management, gets into an accident. Girl after a bad date does not pay attention to the road, stumbles, falls, gets injured leg. Fleeing in terror from the huge dog, the man does not notice the construction of rebar and hits his head. Examples can be cited. Their essence is that the injury received at the time of emotional stress, firmly associated in our subconscious with the preceding destructive emotion. And it's very difficult to eliminate the effects of trauma on the physical level, not releasing this pathological emotion.
Many osteopaths believe that muscle and fascia are also able locally to fix pathological emotions obtained at the time of injury. Formed in the fascia of a zone of extremely intense tissues called emotional cysts.
How can we help? How to fix the situation?
First, you need to find and release all pockets of local fascial emotional spasms. Special osteopathic techniques allow you to quickly identify these areas and create the conditions for the release of tension from the tissues. During these sessions, the patient may sometimes re-experience associated with the trauma situation or emotions, but in less vivid and painful form. After the release comes a pleasant state of relaxation, peace, bliss.
The second stage is to balance the Central nervous system, to normalize the current of the cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricle of the brain and spinal cord, to balance the autonomic nervous system, relieve excessive tension or conversely, to stimulate different parts. This will significantly improve the functioning of internal organs.
In the third stage main task is to restore adequate reactivity of our psycho-physical sphere. Relive the emotions – it is normal for humans. In some situations indeed required the emotion of anger, aggression, caution. They mobilize our body to confront the unexpected, stress. But after the termination of stress exposure, emotion must leave our body and mind. All the time. The human body is an open biological system. For life we need a meal. It is also necessary and proper removal of metabolic products. This is true for emotions.
How to achieve such flexibility of the nervous system and psyche?
For this also there are special osteopathic approaches. A healthy body with good nerve conduction and blood flow to organs and tissues, normal muscle tone, correct position of the elements of the skeletal system – it is easy enough to cope with emotional stress. If the program correction add alternating metered elements of stress (it can also be used for the osteopathic influence on the functional structure of the nervous system), we will be able to teach the system of the body-psyche even more selectively and minimalinvasive to respond to stress factors. Without any further consequences. Athletes, special forces officers, the astronauts achieve similar results by prolonged intense physical and mental training, we also have OSTEOPATHY is an effective cure and prevention of any stress.
Source: /users/1094
It is no secret that our body responds to emotions. This feature of the behavior passed to us from the distant wild ancestors of animals. And if such bodily expression of aggression, fear, anxiety, anger – is necessary for adequate interaction with the outside world, we are forced to suppress these reactions in favor of the public morals. Dog claws compresses and strains the jaws in anger. In humans, the same is spasm of the flexors and facial muscles. Adrenaline thrown. Quickens the heartbeat. But the dog after the expiration of the irritant factor quickly calms down. Man, by virtue of suppression of emotions, or, on the contrary, mentally fixing them, all the time returns to a stress condition. And cramping persists. Disrupted the heart, bronchi, gastrointestinal tract, pelvic organs. Similar happens with the fear. In animals stands hair on end, the person coming in the spasm of the muscles of the neck area of the cervical and thoracic, increased blood pressure, disturbed sleep. Animals wimp out, and people straining the pelvic diaphragm and, consequently, gets chronic disorder of sexual function, infertility in women, miscarriage, menstrual disorders. The breach of the intestine, constipation is a sign of hidden depression, depressed, sadness. Diarrhea is a symptom of emotional instability, insecurities, same fears. Negative emotions disturb the entire smooth musculature of the body, lead to dysfunction of the emptying of the gallbladder, pancreas, and urinary bladder. As the body constantly spends vital resources for the maintenance of internal stress, muscle spasm – reduced immunity. In combination with circulatory disorders of the clamped bodies, it leads to development of chronic infectious processes: cystitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, gastritis and many other -"timetables".
The above is terrible, but reflects only half the amount of bodily and emotional diseases.
The other half is the consequences of physical injuries. Very often, strong emotions will impair our ability to coordination, an adequate response to the emerging challenging situation. For example, the husband, after a quarrel with his wife sits behind the wheel, not cope with the management, gets into an accident. Girl after a bad date does not pay attention to the road, stumbles, falls, gets injured leg. Fleeing in terror from the huge dog, the man does not notice the construction of rebar and hits his head. Examples can be cited. Their essence is that the injury received at the time of emotional stress, firmly associated in our subconscious with the preceding destructive emotion. And it's very difficult to eliminate the effects of trauma on the physical level, not releasing this pathological emotion.
Many osteopaths believe that muscle and fascia are also able locally to fix pathological emotions obtained at the time of injury. Formed in the fascia of a zone of extremely intense tissues called emotional cysts.
How can we help? How to fix the situation?
First, you need to find and release all pockets of local fascial emotional spasms. Special osteopathic techniques allow you to quickly identify these areas and create the conditions for the release of tension from the tissues. During these sessions, the patient may sometimes re-experience associated with the trauma situation or emotions, but in less vivid and painful form. After the release comes a pleasant state of relaxation, peace, bliss.
The second stage is to balance the Central nervous system, to normalize the current of the cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricle of the brain and spinal cord, to balance the autonomic nervous system, relieve excessive tension or conversely, to stimulate different parts. This will significantly improve the functioning of internal organs.
In the third stage main task is to restore adequate reactivity of our psycho-physical sphere. Relive the emotions – it is normal for humans. In some situations indeed required the emotion of anger, aggression, caution. They mobilize our body to confront the unexpected, stress. But after the termination of stress exposure, emotion must leave our body and mind. All the time. The human body is an open biological system. For life we need a meal. It is also necessary and proper removal of metabolic products. This is true for emotions.
How to achieve such flexibility of the nervous system and psyche?
For this also there are special osteopathic approaches. A healthy body with good nerve conduction and blood flow to organs and tissues, normal muscle tone, correct position of the elements of the skeletal system – it is easy enough to cope with emotional stress. If the program correction add alternating metered elements of stress (it can also be used for the osteopathic influence on the functional structure of the nervous system), we will be able to teach the system of the body-psyche even more selectively and minimalinvasive to respond to stress factors. Without any further consequences. Athletes, special forces officers, the astronauts achieve similar results by prolonged intense physical and mental training, we also have OSTEOPATHY is an effective cure and prevention of any stress.
Source: /users/1094
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