Body health - exercise for "wasp" waist
Fifty six million five hundred five thousand three hundred ninety two
Those women who want to have a thin waist, afraid to do exercises on the side and obliques, as these exercises can lead to the opposite effect: the muscles increase in volume, and, therefore, the waist will become thinner. Below, we offer a variety of exercises that do not swing side muscles and help to banish fat from the waistline. With regular practice you will see that loose fat at the waist will decrease. The number of repetitions for each exercise 10-15 times for 2 sets. Successes'!
Exercise 1.
- Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Arms bent at the elbows, behind the head. Pull your stomach.
- Try by twisting to connect the right knee and left elbow, pulling them towards each other. Hold momentarily and return to starting position. Do the same with other leg and elbow.
- Starting position — lying on back, legs straight. Arms bent at the elbows put on the floor palms down.
- Bend your right leg at the knee, move it to the left, strongly turning the thigh, knee touch the floor.
- Stand with your left side to a chair to step away. The foot of the left leg, straightened at the knee, put on the chair.
- On "one" – bend down, touching your fingers to the right, supporting leg. The account "two" – to straighten up. On "three" – lean to the left, touching your fingers to the left foot resting on the chair. On the fourth count – up. To change the source position, making the supporting left leg.
- Sit on the floor, legs spread to the sides, extend hands forward at shoulder level.
- Slowly twist your torso left, then slowly turn the torso to the right.
Exercise 5.
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel, hands on hips.
- Now make the torso a circular movement: forward, right, backward, to the left. Then do the exercise in the opposite direction. Repeat required number of times in each direction.
Exercise 6.
- Get on your knees, hands interlock a "lock" for the head.
- Transfer case and sit on the floor, to the left stop. Then through the original position "will land" in the right direction.
Eighty two million forty three thousand six hundred forty six
Source: /users/63
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