Amazing pictures: last chance to see the ancient inhabitants of the Earth
Brooklyn photographer Rachel Sussman travels the world in search of ancient living organisms that have arisen 2000 years and more ago, and then photographs them, giving people a chance to see these creations of nature before they disappear forever from the face of the Earth.
In his fascinating book "the Oldest living beings in the world," Sussman posted photos of ancient trees, moss and plants that many have never seen before. She found these unusual forms of life in the remote corners of the planet, such as Antarctica, Greenland, Namibia and Chile's Atacama desert. For example, in the Atacama Rachel found an unusual green teardrop-shaped formation called La Yareta, which age is approximately 3000 years old.
Rachel Sussman for a long time collaborated with a group of biologists, toured the whole world in studies of wildlife. She found the oldest living creatures in some of the most remote places — from the arid deserts in Africa and South America to the depths of the oceans.
In Greenland, Rachel found lichens that grow only one centimeter per 100 years. In Australia she saw the stromatolites, prehistoric organisms, thanks to which began the oxygenation of the atmosphere and made possible life on Earth. Her book is literally a revelation which reveals the living history of our planet. Thanks Rachel now anyone can see ancient forms of life, before they disappear once and for all.
Source: www.ecobyt.ru/
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