6 indispensable devices for the motorist

Every motorist, due to the need or curiosity, installs various gadgets in his car. Since everyone’s requests are different and you will not please everyone, manufacturers are constantly inventing new devices, sometimes completely meaningless and unnecessary. Among a large number of them, you can find quite interesting devices. We will not stop at all known anti-radars, registrars and navigators and will talk about less well-known, but also useful auto gadgets.

1. antison

Almost every trucker knows the situation when after long, grueling hours spent on the road, begins to strongly lean into sleep. According to the physiological characteristics of a person, the duration of constant stress concentration does not exceed 5-6 hours in a row.
In order to prevent accidents and prevent the driver from falling asleep at the wheel, the DriveAlert device was invented. Externally, it is completely similar to a regular Bluetooth headset, and clings to the ear. The principle of its work is extremely simple. As a result of a strong tilt of the head, the device begins to squeak strongly, which completely discourages the driver from falling asleep.

2. Car seat cover with massage function

This gadget will appeal to those car owners who spend a lot of time driving every day. Many people are familiar with this feeling when, after a long stay in a sitting position, the legs begin to gradually numb or the back muscles hurt.
It is in order to save the driver from such suffering that there are massage car cases on the gadget market. Depending on the model and manufacturer, each such gadget is endowed with a different number of functions. So, the most advanced models produce not only massage the lumbar and back, but also massage the neck muscles. The power source for such devices is the lighter of the car.

3. Automatic Parker

This gadget will be an indispensable device for beginner motorists. Everyone knows the situation when on a weekday, it takes a lot of time to search for a parking place, and if there is one, it is so small that many do not dare to park.
This is where Valeo released the Park4U. It is fully automatic and does not require driver intervention. The device itself calculates the size of the existing parking space, comparing them with the dimensions of the car, and parks, turning the steering wheel.

4. Screen against blind spots

In order to avoid accidents due to the size of the vehicle, some new cars are equipped with a Full-Rear-View Windscreen Monitor. A display is installed on the windshield of the car, on which a picture is displayed from the cameras that are located on the body of the car.

5. Keychain

This device is designed to save the car owner from the fear of losing the keys. Often there are situations when in the morning, after a hard day's work, the driver can not find the keys. The device responds to a loud sound. Today, there is a more modern version, a key fob-communicator, which is able to remotely start the car, open door locks and trunk.

6. Night vision device

Night Vision - a device that makes it easier to control the machine in the dark. The picture from the camera installed on the body is projected onto the screen of the onboard computer or tablet. Riding with such a gadget completely eliminates the possibility of not noticing a cyclist or a pedestrian walking on the side of the road.

The number of autogadgets today is very large and we talked about only a small part of it. Some of the devices are able to prevent accidents, others serve as electronic assistants, making life easier for the motorist. The usefulness and necessity of each of them the driver will determine independently.

Source: brainswork.ru


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