Folk remedies against disease
Folk remedies against disease. Stomatitis – a disease of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Often caused by a weakened immune system. Symptoms of stomatitis are: the formation of a white or yellowish plaque in the mouth, often patients suffer from unpleasant mouth odor and bleeding gums.In addition, during a meal with stomatitis painful sensations appear. The mucous membrane becomes red and becomes swollen. At the onset of stomatitis during treatment with the oral rinse of clean hot water several times a day Rinse with hydrogen peroxide: one teaspoon in half a glass of water will reduce the soreness of the mucous membrane of the cavity.To start the treatment of stomatitis in the initial stage of the disease with tincture of propolis. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide the sore spots to dry, and then a pipette to drip a few drops of tincture of propolis 50% and again visosity to the formation of a thin film of propolis.

The inflamed gums can be applied pounded to a pulp raw potatoes. Carrot juice to rinse your mouth 3 times a day. Juice should be diluted 1:1 with water. Cabbage juice diluted half boiled water to rinse your mouth. Grind three large cloves of garlic, and combine with two tea spoons of yogurt. Heated the mixture to keep the mouth, arranging it into the affected places. The procedure is repeated for several days, several times a day. Excellent folk remedy against disease of Kalanchoe and aloe. Juice of these plants it is possible to rinse and lubricate the mouth, and the aloe leaves can be chewed. eryngium Planum one tablespoon pour a glass of water, 15 minute boil, 1 hour to insist, drain. Rinsing mouth with infusion. Flowers of chamomile — 15-20 g, pour a glass of water, to insist, to add to the infusion of 4 g. of boric acid. Apply for rinsing of the mouth as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

Inflorescences of calendula officinalis — a tablespoon, pour a glass of boiling water, 10 minutes cooking, drain. Apply for rinsing of the oral cavity as a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, regenerating means. The crushed root tormentil — a teaspoon, pour a glass of water, infuse 5 hours, boil. Rinsing mouth with infusion.
In severe stomatitis, and the lack of improvement when using folk remedies, you should contact the dentist.
Source: ethno-science.ru/