Crystals "Superman"memory can store data forever

While most of us are not accustomed to the idea of 3D printing, scientists are already working on technological marvels that operate two dimensions deeper. Researchers from the University of Southampton have managed to record and retrieve five-dimensional digital data using a quartz crystal. Memory crystal 'Superman' is a futuristic way of storage with unprecedented features-including a 360 terabyte of disk capacity, thermal stability up to 1000 and practically unlimited lifetime. We've all seen sci-Fi movies, where the gorgeous alien shoves a pointy crystal into some mega computer and the world is saved. Fantastic became a scientific reality. How does it work?

Data is written using samoorganizuyushchegosya created in quartz that is able to store large amounts of data for over a million years, explains the press release. "Information encoding is realized in five dimensions. this basically means that using ultra-fast lasers, we can now encode a piece of quartz with 5D information in the form of nanostructured dots separated by only one millionth of a meter. "In self-organizing nanostructures is a change of polarization of light, which is then read by combination of optical microscope and a polarizer, similar to that contained in Polaroid sunglasses. So leave a note for your great-great-grandchildren and upload the file containing your life story to their cyborg brain scanned her.

"It's exciting to think that we have created the first document which will likely survive the human race," said Professor Peter Kazansky, the principal investigator of the project. "This technology can secure the last evidence of civilization: all we've learnt will not be forgotten. "Now komanduese industrial partners for commercialization of this innovative technology.
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