The newest way to stay awake behind the wheel

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a new method of detecting the state of the drivers when they fall asleep behind the wheel.
"Video surveillance systems that use cameras to determine vehicle out of its lane are cumbersome and expensive," said Hans van Dongen, research Professor at the University. "They do not work effectively in snow, or on winding roads in the dark."
The assurances of a scientist, "our invention provides an inexpensive and convenient technology that overcomes these limitations and can help catch fatigue long before the accident". The determining factor, which is based on new detection technology, is the variability of the angle of rotation of the steering wheel.
Researchers have shown that data on the variability of the position of the steering wheel can be used to predict change lanes of traffic. This allows to detect the drowsy driver before the vehicle will exit the lane.
Source: nauka24news.ru/