Parse emotional blockages

We assume that the first stage of raschleneniya space have been completed and all broken things, together with clothes of the season, 90 years left.
It was difficult, inside the toad easy to find, as you can use any broken thing. I personally saved the understanding that your reserves are not infinite and the choice is simple-either quickly throw the thing, or to dedicate his life to attempt to attach.
The second phase is tougher-piles of things associated with emotions-photos of past years, the children's diplomas, memorabilia relatives, Souvenirs from different countries.
Pictures of former loved ones-must del. I had a lot of motivation-to show the kids how dad was before powering energy-what amazing girls I have met.
But the reality is cruel-either you live past romances, or let new. Fact-approximately six months after the removal of all pictures of former and those who just liked I met my present wife.
Pictures of yesteryear-all the same mechanism. You either live in the past or in the present.

On one of the forums I found this great phrase-"keep those photos in which you're relevant."
You just throw I hesitated, scanned everything, and then chose 4 or 5 on each significant event and sorted by years-turned a short paper analogue of Facebook. Generally, you can render the border of actuality, say 3 years, all the pictures of the events that were previously in paper form are stored in a shortened to 4-5 pieces. (and with the new developments to choose and print as much better).
MOST IMPORTANTLY-should not be stored in the collection of any photos that are associated with pain and unpleasant associations. Or thing, or brings strength and joy, or goes under the scissors. The same applies to photos and possessions of dead relatives. Thing in contact with which captures the nostalgia, the eye navorachivayutsya tears-needs to be lovingly released into the dumpster. Sad but true. The same applies to things to archive-adult can afford to no one to answer to and nothing to prove. The archive is not needed. Now children and many decide not to make-decide what to show?

For example-if taking a children's boat from childhood on you have been flooded with memories of how cool it was to put him in the bathroom, dump it and find a similar "adult" toy. It's kids playing in the bath, adults go on a yacht or boat on the weekends. Joy will be much greater than in childhood)
Generally hard, like really a lot at home to store the things that cause negative emotions-a kind of self-flagellation, but why?
Baby certificates — the same fate. Either you be proud that in the third grade won the championship in swimming and graduated almost with honors, or who you are now.
It's like a rite of initiation-stage of childhood has passed, the offset is obtained. Now a new stage of life with its joys and most importantly opportunities. Children's toys no longer needed.
As a bonus, for clearing emotional blockages comes a large amount of vitality.
The third stage is working, new, but unnecessary things. Let the new technology.
Fourth-the design, brings harmony in what you own.
Source: mnmlist.ru/
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