Europe is happy to get rid of the car

If you are a car enthusiast, do not even think to move to a German city, Vauban, because there are four-wheeled transport is prohibited. And the residents of the suburb of College town Freiburg is the roar of vehicles listening to the birds singing, the laughter of children, and occasionally the sound of a Bicycle bell.
Europe was hit by anti-car fever, and it contributes to improving the quality of life. Today there are hundreds, if not thousands, of oases, where cars are not allowed. For example, visitors to Dublin, capital of Ireland, can fully feel the local flavor with a stroll to the famous Grafton street – the place of street dancers, musicians and cartoonists, entertaining crowds of people.

Grafton street, which became famous owing to their nostalgic songs by van Morrison, was founded in 1708, and since 1979 local authorities have banned the movement of cars on it. Street performers, which once was Glen Hansard – the song "Falling Slowly" performed in the film "Once", immediately made her a place for their work. Every year there are acts and lead singer of U2, Bono.
Nearby hotels for tourists are located in the heart of the intertwining of busy roads. But located near the magnificent city Park, St. Stephen's green, founded in the 19th century, filled with Hiking. In those places where there are no cars, human life acquires a new meaning.

In Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany, is implementing the program "Green Network" within which to 2034 year of huge urban areas will lose their cars, and the main role will play bicycles, walking and public transport.
London introduces a collection for those arriving by car to the city centre, and this example should be Stockholm, along with other cities. And this is not isolated cases. Moving in this direction a whole continent.

"The war of Europe with the gas-guzzling car moves to the next step, the article says publication "The Week". – Although in the largest cities of the continent have already created a zone where charged for travel by car, the European Union wants to increase the pressure and completely prevent the movement of petrol and diesel cars in city centres". EU Commissioner for transport Siim Kallas noted that this will totally eliminate the traditional fuel cars in the centre of the cities (will be allowed for electric vehicles). "We want real action, amendments to legislation and changing attitudes," says Callas.
Dublin Grafton street is an experiment that local authorities are planning to extend to nearby areas. "When you close roads, Bicycle Parking and installing kiosks where they sell home-grown vegetables and fruits, there is a wonderful holiday atmosphere. People appreciate the extra living space and gladly accept its expansion," — says the Lord-mayor of the city of Olson Quinn. He proposed to introduce in the city centre car free zone, completely dedicated to pedestrians and some merchants street on one Sunday per month.
It is known that business groups tend to give a hostile reception to any proposal related to the prohibition of cars. "Nobody will come," say the entrepreneurs at the public hearing. In fact, just the opposite. One has only to visit the busy downtown streets, where magicians, jugglers and musicians entertain enjoying the expanse of the crowd, and every cafe Packed with vacationers. City planners must carefully study these experiences and, perhaps, also infected anti-car fever. Indeed, in many places has created pedestrian and Bicycle zones, but this trend should become really dominant.
The streets of Dublin like Grafton is a real magnet for people, and it works. World car free day on 22 September, but start preparing for it today.
Source: facepla.net