A new record efficiency of transparent solar panels
The company Heliatek GmbH reported about a new achievement, she says, that has created the world's most efficient transparent solar cells.
The company's engineers have developed an organic photovoltaic cell with a 40% transparency and 7.2% conversion of light energy into electrical energy.
To this end, the company held the lead in the opaque organic efficiency Converter of solar energy into electricity with 12%. The latest achievement further enhances the market potential of the company.
Although organic solar cells and do not have high efficiency, they are relatively cheap and can be applied to almost any surface. In addition, this technology HeliaFilm allows you to adjust the range of the absorbed and transmitted light, which further extends the application of these elements.
The manufacturer offers to use transparent solar cells in the Windows of homes and cars, in that part where you want shading: transparent roofs, skylights, canopies. Possible, transparent solar cells can be installed in sunglasses, and recharge, thus, different mobile gadgets, the same Google Glass, for example.
The previous record efficiency of organic solar inverters were also installed Heliatek just nine months ago. Then record-breaking achievement has become a figure of 10.7%.
So a significant increase in a short time became possible thanks to close cooperation of companies and scientific institutions. Among the co-founders of Heliatek leading scientists in the industry of organic photovoltaic reforms, Professor Peter Bowal (Peter Bauerle) from the Institute of organic chemistry and advanced materials of Ulm University, and Dr. Moritz Ryde (Moritz Riede) from the Institute of applied Photophysics of the Technical University of Dresden. Furthermore Heliatek research supported by the German Ministry of education and science, Foundation for research and European programmes.
Technology first thing solar cells based on small molecules (oligomers) is currently being used in production. The first production line launched in spring 2012. Its products – solar film is already being supplied to industrial partners for the development of the final products. The first example of commercial application of solar energy collectors on the basis of Heliatek film is expected in late 2013

Source: facepla.net