2000-year-old tradition of Ayurvedic treatment is to rinse oil
Rinse with vegetable oil, a 2,000 year-old tradition of Ayurvedic treatment, again becomes the current trend. Traditional methods of prevention and treatment everywhere, give your position under the pressure of astronomical marketing budgets of pharmaceutical companies. However, the vegetable oil seems to be able to increase the army of fans, Tolley thanks to the efforts of the "oil" marketers, whether because of the growing popularity of "green" methods of prevention and treatment.
What is the method of rinsing the mouth with oil? Everything is simple: take in your mouth tablespoon of liquid vegetable oil, and swish them in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. If you do this ritual regularly, the experts promise you amazing positive effects from strengthening and whitening teeth, to improve skin condition and even the treatment and prevention of certain chronic diseases.
What kind of vegetable oil to choose mouthwash? Various sources insist each on your own: coconut, olive, sunflower, sesame, pink, grape seed. Seems to be working, any vegetable oil, it's cold-pressed, unrefined.
Does rinsing your mouth with vegetable oil? I would not be writing this article if I had not tested this method myself. I use it very rarely, against the advice of various "organic" healers, and one purpose only – to get rid of a cold and sore throat without medication. Can confirm: "Yes, it works!"
For getting rid of symptoms of cold I type in my mouth a spoonful of olive oil or grapeseed oil (food grade, there are even massage oil) and keep this slime in your mouth for 30-60 minutes. Unfortunately the effect appears only after prolonged application. As the oil mixes with saliva, its volume increases, and I gradually ingesting the resulting mixture, thereby moistening a sore throat. The most amazing what cold really is, and the pain in the throat decreases. As well helps too chatty wives. Just tell her how it is helpful and healing your nervous system will be a nice bonus.
According to many sources, oil pulling relieves a number of ailments, a list of which I won't quote, because I believe that the human body is very individual, and everyone has to decide for themselves which method of treatment for it will be most effective, one should not ignore the advice of doctors. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: facepla.net
What is the method of rinsing the mouth with oil? Everything is simple: take in your mouth tablespoon of liquid vegetable oil, and swish them in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. If you do this ritual regularly, the experts promise you amazing positive effects from strengthening and whitening teeth, to improve skin condition and even the treatment and prevention of certain chronic diseases.

What kind of vegetable oil to choose mouthwash? Various sources insist each on your own: coconut, olive, sunflower, sesame, pink, grape seed. Seems to be working, any vegetable oil, it's cold-pressed, unrefined.
Does rinsing your mouth with vegetable oil? I would not be writing this article if I had not tested this method myself. I use it very rarely, against the advice of various "organic" healers, and one purpose only – to get rid of a cold and sore throat without medication. Can confirm: "Yes, it works!"
For getting rid of symptoms of cold I type in my mouth a spoonful of olive oil or grapeseed oil (food grade, there are even massage oil) and keep this slime in your mouth for 30-60 minutes. Unfortunately the effect appears only after prolonged application. As the oil mixes with saliva, its volume increases, and I gradually ingesting the resulting mixture, thereby moistening a sore throat. The most amazing what cold really is, and the pain in the throat decreases. As well helps too chatty wives. Just tell her how it is helpful and healing your nervous system will be a nice bonus.
According to many sources, oil pulling relieves a number of ailments, a list of which I won't quote, because I believe that the human body is very individual, and everyone has to decide for themselves which method of treatment for it will be most effective, one should not ignore the advice of doctors. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: facepla.net
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