DNA of polar bears for obesity people
Polar bears have become the object of genetic research in terms of studying the problems of obesity. Scientists took the DNA of these animals and studied him. The results showed that the body bears evolves in such a way to better cope with fatty foods which are consumed in the daily diet. Despite the fact that about half of the mass is the body fat of the bear, but the animal is absolutely not observed in cardiovascular disease.
Scientists have put forward the view that the whole secret lies in some mutated genes that are responsible for cardiovascular system and metabolism of fatty acids. The Telegraph claims that due to the mutated genes of bears there are no problems with blocking of the arteries and other serious cardiovascular diseases.
Just last year, during the study of obesity, the experts engaged in more detailed studying grizzly bears, hoping to find the answer to these questions. Bears chosen as objects of study for certain reasons. Scientists intrigued by the fact that they eat about fifty-eight thousand calories per day, without any consequences for the body. They absolutely do not get fat, and have no problems with diabetes, their arteries clean and heart attacks are not observed. In the field of health also, research is underway to combat obesity. On the website beautyful-body.ru you can recognize more about green coffee popular product for weight loss, which can quickly lead figure in the order.
The results of the experiment revealed that the animals have directly changed the sensitivity to insulin, the hormone which controls the process of breakdown of fats and sugars in the body. However, when bears go into hibernation, insulin sensitivity is significantly increased, allowing them to gain a certain weight. Dr. Kevin Corbit claims that during hibernation reaction to insulin, usually sharply suppressed.
To understand in more detail the peculiarities of this process, scientists have to decipher the genome of all bears. They learned that polar bears became a separate species about five hundred thousand years ago. They quickly adapted to specific life conditions in the far North. The study also showed that the APOB gene. It transports cholesterol from the blood by directing it into the cells of the body, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.
For today analyzed genes, only 79 polar bears and 10 brown bears of genes from all parts of the world. Experts believe that further research will allow them to understand how to deal with various violations of metabolism in the human body.
Source: zeleneet.com