13 futuristic and eco-friendly clothing items
Now you can show your love for renewable energy with a handbag or a charming dress covered in LEDs. The ecomode is gaining momentum with the help of high technology, making full use of solar panels, indicators, sensors that recognize greenhouse gas concentrations, and even filters that clean the air of microparticles. In our list of interesting designs, you will find both wearable clothing items and absolutely fantastic things.
Sunbag This solar handbag from Diffus brings solar panels into the accessories of every fashionista, placing them in beautiful patterns on a black base. Photocells turn a handbag into a portable power station to recharge a mobile phone and other small devices. The interior is even equipped with lighting, and you can easily find small objects.
Solar Clothing to Charge Your Phone This futuristic clothing series by Paulin van Dongen combines solar panels with a coat or dress to capture the energy of the sun and turn it into electricity. At night or in high clouds, the panels can be hidden.
Futuristic cloak that cleans the water This cloak will not only keep your clothes out of the rain, it will also keep you from feeling thirsty. The Raincatch, developed by two students at the Copenhagen Interactive Design Institute, captures rainwater and uses a range of carbon and chemical filters to make it drinkable.
In the photo above, you can see the brainchild of specialists from the University of Sheffield, London College of Fashion and the University of Ulster called “Herself”. This wonderful floor-length evening dress was created as part of a project exploring how clothing and textiles could clean the air. The dress is covered with microparticles that collect pollutants in the air and filter them using sunlight.
Mini dress powered by the sun This mini dress is made of over 400 miniature boards, some of which are covered in solar panels. The dress, created by Despina Papadopoulos, captures solar energy and turns it into electricity to light the path at night.
Miniature wind turbines This design is suitable for wearing, and even if it is not very practical, but it will definitely attract the attention of others. Would you like to wear small wind turbines and get electricity from them while doing routine tasks? This is an intriguing proposition, and the kinetic settings shown in the photo may suggest a way to make the idea more realistic.
Dresses that monitor air quality As a rule, crumpled clothes indicate that the person did not find the time to pick up an iron. But in this case, the folds on the fabric actually give the wearer the opportunity to learn that the environment is not shining with air quality. The dress, created by Stephanie Sandstrom, reacts to the presence of pollutants. It is covered with sensors that create curves on the fabric in conditions of high pollution.
Greenhouse gas warning dress If you are in a place with a high concentration of CO2, then this dress from Diffus will light up with flickering lights using a series of LEDs placed in the fabric. With a low CO2 content, the indicators pulse slowly and, accordingly, accelerate flickering with an increase in the level of the greenhouse gas.
The Sun Energy Bag by Diane von Furstenberg Diane von Furstenberg, in collaboration with other designers, created a handbag with built-in solar panels. It is quite stylish for fashionistas, but at the same time generates renewable energy with the help of small flexible solar cells. The energy is stored in a small battery and used to power a flashlight and USB port for mobile devices.
An amazing dress “Rain Palette” changes color, responding to the pH level of rain, which indicates air quality. According to designer Daea Sun, The Rain Palette is designed to visualize air quality with rainwater. The clothes I designed are dyed with natural dyes that change color in response to rain pH levels. Moreover, device owners can record and download pH data online, creating a worldwide environmental database in real time.”
CO2 filter necklace This extremely unusual necklace turns into a breathing device that filters carbon dioxide. The amazing thing is that it then stores CO2 in a battery-like device and converts it into electricity. Would you wear such a device if it could literally produce energy from ordinary air?
Fashionable LED sets "do it yourself" Create your own great eco-clothing with the help of a set with LEDs – a glowing dress, an electrically conductive zipper and similar things. This is both sewing and assembly of the gadget, and the use of the kit will surely bring a lot of pleasure.
Biosensors that improve health The Modwells sensor system is wearable and can be attached to clothing, helping doctors diagnose various clinical conditions. The device is accompanied by appropriate performance analysis software, and it was used to monitor posture in order to improve it and eliminate chronic pain. It is suitable for weight, diabetes, recovery from injuries and other health problems.
Source: facepla.net