Airbus is developing the plane with electric drive
At the moment already built a small electroanalyt, which acts as a test lab. The capacity of the new aircraft will be 80 passengers, planning to use it on flights lasting up to 3 hours.
Aircraft electric have created earlier for small aircraft such as single Elektra One Solar and Antares, and double E-Fan from Airbus.
New electroanalyt is ideal for regional flights.
For propulsion will be used 6 motors with the impellers — propellers, which are enclosed in the shell.
The usual turbine is not used to create thrust, and to generate electricity and recharge the batteries. For charging also partially meet the 6 motors that are able to become generators of electrical energy. As batteries are used, lithium-polymer and lithium-air or lithium-sulfur batteries.
Electroanalyt in addition to its environmental component, has a number of other advantages. This low noise level, and weight savings: conventional copper cables will be replaced by superconductors.
For comparison, a thirty-degree cable with copper cables that are designed for the current of 4500 A, weighs 12 pounds, and the superconductor of the same length of MgB2 (Magnesium diboride) weighs only 16 grams.
At the start and climb like the plane will need a lot of energy to be obtained from a fully charged battery.
However, at full speed and turns on a conventional turbine, which charges the batteries. The mode of operation of the turbine is reduced when the aircraft is gaining desired height and a speed of about 880 km/h.
While the Munich conference was presented only a prototype of the actuator. The system itself will be ready in a couple of years, and the first prototype aircraft is expected not earlier than in ten years.
Source: greenevolution.ru
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