Scientists have created nanoelectronics as a model of future medicine
All scientists are unanimous in opinion over nanotechnology is the future of medicine. And even those first steps taken on this path has already been dazzling. Nanocapsules allow the medication to enter the body exactly at a certain time, and the nanomotors can deliver drugs exactly as prescribed.
The main obstacle for their practical use was for a short time. But experts at the University of Texas in Austin have managed to work around this problem.
According to the publication Nature, American scientists have created nanoelectronics, which has the largest speed and timings in the world.
Fundamental differences in the design of nanodevices, according to its creators, they did not invent, based on the already known principle of an ordinary electric motor. The main difference is the size of the unit. Its height is about 200 nanometers, and the length of wire that acts as a rotor, is several micrometers.
High-tech devices could attack tumor cells and other "target" with high precision. And if in real life this would require a eotech sight, in the nanoworld the whole responsibility lies on the unique motor.
The rotational speed of nanomotor is 18,000 rpm. It is comparable to the frequency of rotation of the aircraft engine. And, according to the creators, the figure is not limiting, as there is the potential for its increase. However, the most important is that nanomotor can to work without interruption up to 15 hours.
This was achieved through the so-called "electric tweezers", which was used during Assembly. It is on the edges of the working chamber was located four microelectrode in which lanoratory was put on nanoos. If directed to change the electric field in them, this allows for a high degree of accuracy to move, rotate and freely move microscopic details nanomotor.
Scientists explain that their device will be able to interact directly with the cells of any living organisms.
For example, nanomotors will help regulate the diabetes delivery insulin can be delivered to the site of infection with powerful antibiotics or a point to hit the cells of malignant tumors.
While nanomotors have been tested as a distributor of drugs.
Biomolecules of drugs dealt in a special way on the blade device, and then injected them into the body. Observation showed that nanoporosity coped with the task, evenly providing the body with essential drug.
Source: zeleneet.com