Yarsagumba - use for men and women

Plant Yarsagumba is used to treat many types of diseases such as infertility, stress, tuberculosis, and many others. The fungus is quite difficult to gather, so the price is quite high, moreover, it grows only in the mountains in a certain area.Yarsagumba — a mysterious fungus is a parasite that grows in the mountains of Nepal and Tibet. This "plant" has become world famous due to its incredible healing properties and has several names:
• Yarsagumba (yarsagumba);
• Yarchagumba (yarchagumba);
• ARSTA gunbu (yarsta gunba);
• Atsa Honbu (yatsa gunbu);
• Himalayan Viagra (spoken version);
• Tibetan phantom (spoken version);
• Cordyceps (Ophiocordyceps sinensis).
If the word "yarsagumba" translate to Russian language, literally, it will sound like "summer plant, winter insect".

The behavior of Cordyceps quite unusual for a simple layman. This plant-insect, like all mushrooms have spores that infect various Himalayan caterpillars living in the cavity of the ground or in wet grass. This happens before a long rainy season. Next, spores start to develop gradually in the body of the caterpillar, eventually permeating her insides. After the parasite sucks all the necessary components for its development, the caterpillar dies, having a little stretch to the surface of the earth. With the onset of spring in the mountains begins to increase temperature, which leads to the melting of the snow. By this time the mushroom grows so much that comes to the surface of the earth. So thanks to small insects, the light appears very valuable in its properties to the plant.

Once the fungus find its totally dig. If you look at it, we can see that the ground part of the plants consists of small shoots, and the part that was underground – the mycelium, the visible remains of the caterpillar on the end. Because of these remains of local residents believe that yarsagumba was first a caterpillar, after the miraculous transformation has become a healing plant-mushroom. By the way, Cordyceps is very hard to find, which undoubtedly gives it even more mystery and value. Once the fungus grows, a large part of the local population is recovering on his quest. Shoots of this plant-insect grow just a few millimeters from the surface of the earth and the people of Nepal and Tibet finding yarsagumba is equivalent to gaining serious wealth.
According to Chinese medicine, this plant must be boiled, after which you can add to various soups or teas.
Yarsagumba has the following positive effects for the male power:
• increases the duration of sexual intercourse;
• gives the flow of vitality, energy;
• eliminates the problem of early ejaculation;
• enhances orgasmic experiences;
• increases sexual activity;
• improves the sensitivity during sexual intercourse;
• gives erection serious resistance.
Also, Cordyceps is effective against the following diseases:
• Malignant neoplasms. It is recommended to take to sessions of radio and chemotherapy and after them.
• Erectile dysfunction.
• Detoxification of the body (poisoning, overdose of drugs).
• Infertility (can be included in structure of complex therapy).
• Depression.
• Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
• Tuberculosis.
• Leprosy.
• Disease of the lower back.
• Stress.
• Disorders of the urogenital, hematopoietic, respiratory, or cardiac systems.
• Liver disease.
• Premature aging of the skin.
• Reduced immunity.

Despite the fact that yarsagumba was used in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries, the world fame, this plant has acquired recently. It all started in 1993, when the press leaked the information that the three Chinese runners broke the world record due to this fungus. It was added to the women in the soup of turtle blood. As it turned out after this plant is almost impossible to detect in doping tests, and most importantly, yarsagumba has no side effects. It is currently impossible to satisfy everyone to get this miracle mushroom, because every year this plant is increasingly rare, and find it harder.
This is due to rapid climate change on earth and depletion of its natural resources, reduction of precipitation, increase in average temperature.
Source: natural-medicine.ru