For Cycling will pay
France began a half year experiment, which aims to increase the share of Cycling trips up to 50%. 20 companies and organizations with a total staff of about 10 thousand people will be paying 25 Euro cents (about $0.34) per kilometer between home and work location, the employee will be overcome on a Bicycle.
France is not the first country that puts such experiments on their citizens. Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK also have a range of incentive programs for Biking to work, which aim to not only improve the environmental situation by reducing emissions, but also improve the health of citizens. And human health, as it is known, is costly not only for companies but also for the whole country.
Now the bike is used for commuting no more than 2.4% of the French who in the year is not a small wound 800 million kilometers. While neighbours of France in the European Union went far ahead. In Belgium, for example, 8% of trips are made by Bicycle transport. In the first place is still the Netherlands with incredible to our consciousness 25 percent.
Recently, one of the signs of third world countries were the streets crowded with tens of thousands of cyclists. And leaders of economic development, recognizable by the dense can. Today the flywheel of history makes a turn, and most developed countries are ardent advocates of healthy and sustainable transport – the Bicycle.
The money will be given easier someone who uses to travel for work electric bike.
Source: facepla.net