How to treat sore joints gelatin
How useful gelatin for joints? Now in range of any grocery store you can find food gelatin – crystalline powder, which upon contact with water swells and becomes a transparent viscous mass. Even the word "gelatin" in Latin means "frozen" or "frozen". In fact, this substance is a denatured collagen that contains animal bones and cartilage, as well as in the veins and skin. We once wrote about how useful gelatin hair because it is rich in protein – protein is extremely essential for their normal growth.

A beneficial effect has gelatin on the skin, which is also regularly needs a fresh portion of collagen. Not coincidentally, many ready pharmacological agents, e.g., vitamin E for skin — are available in gelatin capsules.
American physiologists found that gelatin could be used to prevent the destruction of joint cartilage. People suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee, as early as two weeks after regular consumption of gelatin were observed strengthening the muscles and restore joint mobility.
Gelatin wrap for joints
Often even young people have to look for answers to questions like "why crackle joints?" and "how to cope with the pain?". From obsessive pain will help get simple compress. It is best to do it at night.
Wide gauze dipped in hot water to make it hot. Then her twisting, squeezing excess moisture. A napkin folded several times and between the layers sprinkle a teaspoon of gelatin powder. It is applied to the affected joint, covered with plastic wrap, wrapped woolen scarf or towel, top fix bandage bandage.
To achieve maximum therapeutic effect gelatin poultice should be put on the problematic joint every day at least for weeks.
Tincture gelatin for joint health
1. Infusion of gelatin on the water. For the full course of treatment required 150 g powdered gelatin food. For months in the evenings will need to prepare a tincture for a morning reception.
The principle of cooking is simple. 2 incomplete teaspoons of gelatin (which can be equated to a mass of 5 g) poured half a glass of water. Until the morning it needs to swell. Heat it on the fire until dissolved then do not. Simply dissolve congealed gelatin with warm, but not hot water in the ratio 1:1 with water and drink on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. Not forbidden, this drink is lightly sweetened. And, you can dissolve the gelatin mass is not water, and any fruit juice.
2. Tincture gelatin milk. In fact, it's the usual milky jelly – delicious and easy homemade treat, the bargain is also incredibly useful. Recipe: 2 teaspoons gelatin diluted in 2/3 Cup warm skim milk with a couple tablespoons of honey (in a pinch, you can replace the honey with sugar). Give the gelatin to swell for hours. The mixture is then heated on the fire, stirring constantly, until complete dissolution of grains. Bring to a boil gelatin is not worth it, otherwise he just won't be able to freeze. The milk mixture is first allowed to cool at room temperature and then put in the fridge to full hardening.
Make gelatin-milk "cure" is recommended at least 2-3 times a week. It helps not only with uncomfortable sensations in the joints, but bleeding from the nose, and also serves as a good means to restore the immune system and strengthen the body after colds.
Contraindications and side effects
Avoid foods containing gelatin, those who suffer from increased blood clotting, predisposition to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, as well as people with oxalate kidney stones and other manifestations of kidney stone or gallstones.
During treatment, the joints gelatin is not excluded the appearance constipation, inflammation of hemorrhoids, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, mandatory additional measure as such a course of treatment advocates regular ingestion of dried fruits, which have a laxative effect and perfectly restore intestinal motility. You can make home BAD of dried apricots, prunes and dried figs (200 g). To this mixture, it would be nice to add 50 g of dry grass of the Seine (it is usually in the range of pharmacy). All components are thoroughly mixed and poured a liter of boiling water, allow to cool. The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar. You can put it in the freezer in pre-packaged plastic utensils. In order to normalize the bowel, enough the evening before going to bed to eat a teaspoon of this stuff and then side effects from gelatin can not be afraid.
Source: /users/104
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