How to teach children independence
Little girl 3 years old. In the morning she gets up, shoes Slippers and goes to wash in the bathroom. Then eat Breakfast and she is going to kindergarten. She easily communicates with people, talking poetry and singing songs. Mom is proud of her. But with five years of Jura it is the opposite. Without his mom's help he is unable to wash and dress. Breakfast with persuasion, and all potoraplivaya, shouting. As he adapts to school? In kindergarten he cried and waited for the mother I had from kindergarten to refuse.
Why Ira has handled everything well, and does nothing? How can you help? There is no single recipe for how to instill independence, it is necessary to proceed from the abilities of the child. To eight months babies start to fear strangers. The unknown inspires fear in them. At this time, the child develops a specific emotional attachment to the caregiver. Only in the further development of girl or boy become independent and this emotional dependence disappears. If there is no such person, to which the child would feel the affection, he can't feel it, never in my life, but not to attain the true independence, which implies responsibility, balance, behavioral and emotional maturity. Parents should teach children to trouble to train, but at the same time and protect. Have to prepare them to "dangerous" situations, showing that we are always ready to support them. Do not abruptly release the children from themselves.
At the age of two to three years the child understands that the confidence that gave him the mother or another caregiver is present with him always. For a three year old is enough to know that mom is there and she comes for him. At this time there is a tendency to independence. If the parents keep that desire for independence is a negative impact on the child. Remember the rule: you can't do instead of the child something he can handle himself. This way you will deprive him of courage and self-reliance in the future. What about children who don't want to show independence? You will help the second rule: everything must be done with a joyful mood. Teach him to turn with laces, buttons, if the child's taking too long, need a little help to him quietly. Use only method of cooperation, the cries, curses, threats will not help.
Last rule: never ridicule or humiliate a growing child in any circumstances! Adults should support children, then they will go on the right path. Some children long accustomed to independence, but they will learn. Be patient and stick to elaborated tactics.
Source: /users/1081

Why Ira has handled everything well, and does nothing? How can you help? There is no single recipe for how to instill independence, it is necessary to proceed from the abilities of the child. To eight months babies start to fear strangers. The unknown inspires fear in them. At this time, the child develops a specific emotional attachment to the caregiver. Only in the further development of girl or boy become independent and this emotional dependence disappears. If there is no such person, to which the child would feel the affection, he can't feel it, never in my life, but not to attain the true independence, which implies responsibility, balance, behavioral and emotional maturity. Parents should teach children to trouble to train, but at the same time and protect. Have to prepare them to "dangerous" situations, showing that we are always ready to support them. Do not abruptly release the children from themselves.

At the age of two to three years the child understands that the confidence that gave him the mother or another caregiver is present with him always. For a three year old is enough to know that mom is there and she comes for him. At this time there is a tendency to independence. If the parents keep that desire for independence is a negative impact on the child. Remember the rule: you can't do instead of the child something he can handle himself. This way you will deprive him of courage and self-reliance in the future. What about children who don't want to show independence? You will help the second rule: everything must be done with a joyful mood. Teach him to turn with laces, buttons, if the child's taking too long, need a little help to him quietly. Use only method of cooperation, the cries, curses, threats will not help.

Last rule: never ridicule or humiliate a growing child in any circumstances! Adults should support children, then they will go on the right path. Some children long accustomed to independence, but they will learn. Be patient and stick to elaborated tactics.

Source: /users/1081