Books that can change your view of the world and man's place in it
These works can really change your view of the world and man's place in it. The list of books that have a special meaning, and whether to take this burden on themselves, everyone decides for himself. "100 years of solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
© Sergei Vorobyov
Roman myth, Roman epic, the novel is a parable about human development, where everyone is doomed to loneliness, and it only dominates the world where everything is confusing the ties of fatal love. Maybe we do not want to face the truth, how terribly lonely each of us. Everyone has their own path and loneliness is also his, is different, is different, always exhausting and devastating cold.
"Cat's cradle" Kurt Vonnegut
© Yuri Seliverstov
The book is bright, interesting, sometimes hilarious, but more often to think. And there's your minus. Too many truths and too little time for deliberation: a kaleidoscope of events makes you stop and ask yourself: "What did I just read?" Should wait five years and reread the book a second time to realize her, to see missed details and fold more or less complete picture.
"Farewell, the weapon!" Ernest Hemingway
The cover of the book "farewell, the weapon!"
One of the most famous books about Paris — a book which virtually no Paris. It is, in General, doesn't matter, because it has so many other cafes in place Saint-Michel, countless bars, fashionable salon, the Hippodrome, a tiny apartment, and a thousand other places that saw Hemingway. Saw and wrote about it, just as he wrote about what books I read, what people see, what worked in another cafe over the story, warming café crème, because anything else didn't have the money.
"Lord of the flies" by William Golding
© arciatenorio98.wordpress.com
Island. Blue lagoon. Children. Paradise?
Desert island. Nepereinami the boundless Ocean. Boys without adult supervision. Split society on the example of a small child's community. Revolution. The bloodshed. Death.
The book was published in 1954., now 2012, but nothing has changed, if this situation with the island in the ocean and children again — everything will happen exactly as well. A very scary book that should be read.
"Chapaev and Emptiness" Victor Pelevin
Poster of the film "Chapaev"
This is the first piece in world literature, which takes place in an absolute vacuum. In fact, it takes place in 1919 in the division of Chapayev, in which the protagonist, a poet-decadent Peter Emptiness, serves as a Commissioner, and in our days, and, as often happens in Pelevin, in the virtual space...
"Fight club" Chuck Palahniuk
© Melissa Gallardo
This book is about freedom, about finding the self. We all live in captivity things, public opinion, almost all identical desires and plans. But I want to show that here all of a such a personality, "because you stuffed in the ass pen," Tyler says, " you still not a peacock." Need to escape from ordinariness, dreary Affairs, to understand what you really want. It is important not to forget that it must be your road, not some left Tyler.
"451 degrees Fahrenheit" ray Douglas Bradbury
Cover of a comic book "451 degrees Fahrenheit"
Book Creek, a ruthless prosecution of all consumer civilization. A book that should be on the tables each person of the XXI century, when we are very close to the world described on the pages of the novel. In fact, of the novel, there is one solid, continuous cry of despair of a man awakened from universal blindness and nozdrev is horrified with what is happening... a cry for help when the hero knows what to do and where to go.
"To kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
A scene from the movie "to Kill a Mockingbird
The book is about growing up little girl who goes through adventure, fun, relationships with peers. Restless girl a lot to learn, including about the unfairness of life: against children, against the weak, against people with different skin color. As a result, we see that it is not from skin color or social status, or public opinion depends kindness, sochuvstvovaly and mutual support. It depends on the human soul.
"Martin Eden" Jack London
A young sailor Martin Eden accidentally saves in a street fight of a young bourgeois playboy. In gratitude, he invites him to his house, where acquaints with the family. Martin crazy falls in love with the sister of a young man, Ruth, a girl educated, not poor — the complete opposite of most Martin. To win a girl's heart, Martin begins to work hard on yourself — exploring the teachings of the philosophers, teaches grammar, mathematics, begins to read a lot. And gradually realizing that the accumulated knowledge demand the realization begins to write itself.
"The Teachings Of Don Juan" Carlos Castaneda
Cover of the book "the Teachings of don Juan"
On a deep belief of the teacher of Carlos Castaneda don Juan Matus, mage and warrior, the people who lived in the New world ten thousand years ago, deeply studied the Universe and the problem of perception. Modern man is not able to even partially imagine their true power. Secrets of the shamans of ancient Mexico, the author reveals on the pages of this book.
Source: mirfactov.com/
© Sergei Vorobyov
Roman myth, Roman epic, the novel is a parable about human development, where everyone is doomed to loneliness, and it only dominates the world where everything is confusing the ties of fatal love. Maybe we do not want to face the truth, how terribly lonely each of us. Everyone has their own path and loneliness is also his, is different, is different, always exhausting and devastating cold.
"Cat's cradle" Kurt Vonnegut
© Yuri Seliverstov
The book is bright, interesting, sometimes hilarious, but more often to think. And there's your minus. Too many truths and too little time for deliberation: a kaleidoscope of events makes you stop and ask yourself: "What did I just read?" Should wait five years and reread the book a second time to realize her, to see missed details and fold more or less complete picture.
"Farewell, the weapon!" Ernest Hemingway
The cover of the book "farewell, the weapon!"
One of the most famous books about Paris — a book which virtually no Paris. It is, in General, doesn't matter, because it has so many other cafes in place Saint-Michel, countless bars, fashionable salon, the Hippodrome, a tiny apartment, and a thousand other places that saw Hemingway. Saw and wrote about it, just as he wrote about what books I read, what people see, what worked in another cafe over the story, warming café crème, because anything else didn't have the money.
"Lord of the flies" by William Golding
© arciatenorio98.wordpress.com
Island. Blue lagoon. Children. Paradise?
Desert island. Nepereinami the boundless Ocean. Boys without adult supervision. Split society on the example of a small child's community. Revolution. The bloodshed. Death.
The book was published in 1954., now 2012, but nothing has changed, if this situation with the island in the ocean and children again — everything will happen exactly as well. A very scary book that should be read.
"Chapaev and Emptiness" Victor Pelevin
Poster of the film "Chapaev"
This is the first piece in world literature, which takes place in an absolute vacuum. In fact, it takes place in 1919 in the division of Chapayev, in which the protagonist, a poet-decadent Peter Emptiness, serves as a Commissioner, and in our days, and, as often happens in Pelevin, in the virtual space...
"Fight club" Chuck Palahniuk
© Melissa Gallardo
This book is about freedom, about finding the self. We all live in captivity things, public opinion, almost all identical desires and plans. But I want to show that here all of a such a personality, "because you stuffed in the ass pen," Tyler says, " you still not a peacock." Need to escape from ordinariness, dreary Affairs, to understand what you really want. It is important not to forget that it must be your road, not some left Tyler.
"451 degrees Fahrenheit" ray Douglas Bradbury
Cover of a comic book "451 degrees Fahrenheit"
Book Creek, a ruthless prosecution of all consumer civilization. A book that should be on the tables each person of the XXI century, when we are very close to the world described on the pages of the novel. In fact, of the novel, there is one solid, continuous cry of despair of a man awakened from universal blindness and nozdrev is horrified with what is happening... a cry for help when the hero knows what to do and where to go.
"To kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
A scene from the movie "to Kill a Mockingbird
The book is about growing up little girl who goes through adventure, fun, relationships with peers. Restless girl a lot to learn, including about the unfairness of life: against children, against the weak, against people with different skin color. As a result, we see that it is not from skin color or social status, or public opinion depends kindness, sochuvstvovaly and mutual support. It depends on the human soul.
"Martin Eden" Jack London
A young sailor Martin Eden accidentally saves in a street fight of a young bourgeois playboy. In gratitude, he invites him to his house, where acquaints with the family. Martin crazy falls in love with the sister of a young man, Ruth, a girl educated, not poor — the complete opposite of most Martin. To win a girl's heart, Martin begins to work hard on yourself — exploring the teachings of the philosophers, teaches grammar, mathematics, begins to read a lot. And gradually realizing that the accumulated knowledge demand the realization begins to write itself.
"The Teachings Of Don Juan" Carlos Castaneda
Cover of the book "the Teachings of don Juan"
On a deep belief of the teacher of Carlos Castaneda don Juan Matus, mage and warrior, the people who lived in the New world ten thousand years ago, deeply studied the Universe and the problem of perception. Modern man is not able to even partially imagine their true power. Secrets of the shamans of ancient Mexico, the author reveals on the pages of this book.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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