5 ways to ruin your reputation
We spend our lives trying. To be a good disciple, grateful children, good wives. But in order to be truly good person — you need first and foremost to protect their reputation.
Generally it is a very fragile concept. After all, sometimes we have to hear the name of some man, and we already have an idea of who he is: "Oh, so you're talking about Masha? We know, we know, it is better not to communicate"...
So what can you do to not become the object of "better not mess with"?
Come back and tell you about how easy it is to spoil your reputation and get a bad reputation, based on the principle of "good deeds can not be glorified".
Bad friends will Begin to spoil his reputation with the creation of circle of friends. For many years the main source of information is "word of mouth", but also to a certain age we do become a reality. Therefore, the principle of "tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are" works, and sometimes is a fundamental factor in the preparation of a first impression. Learn about you can not directly, but through mutual friends. And if someone thinks your friend he is an alcoholic, lazy and cynical, it is unlikely that you will develop a positive impression, when it becomes clear that you are communicating. Very often we find it difficult to understand how someone can communicate with certain people? And there are those cases when evaluating the social circle of a particular person, we will dramatically change an opinion, because, in our opinion, are in different information fields, have different points of contact, and even different concepts of morality.
Publicity in social networks, Your website is your collective image. And if you are too shy to describe questionable entertainment, to share intimate content, to Express negative impressions about other people and so on, do not be surprised that soon you will cease to communicate. To get a good job will also be difficult. There are many stories about what candidates are not hired or were fired after viewing the account in social networks. But if your goal is to ruin your reputation, of course, do not neglect this opportunity. How should tell about the dirty details in the online space.
The machinations at the workplace It only seems that your antics and incitement will remain undisclosed. According to the results, any meanness made to a colleague or — even worse — the head — will emerge sooner or later and flood you with black paint of shame. The man who had once proved to the community that are capable of heinous acts in the team for their own benefit, will not be able to inspire confidence from future employers. And unlikely to get a decent place. In addition, the circle and sphere of activity are usually very close, and any mystery will become a reality, and you do not even know where it is leaked information. So once stepping over the head, you can be and get a promotion or some bonuses, but further developments are unlikely to suit you. Remember that you just have to make one wrong move, to once and forever ruin your reputation.
Faulty connection of Intimate life and intimate thing to share details with others not what is not necessary, and practically forbidden. Even in a circle of close friends you hardly need to voice talking about his secret sexual preferences, to discuss their partners in great detail, and even more so to tell about infidelity, number of lovers and preferences. The person you have chosen as partners, can assess how you want. The logic is built just a woman chose a man, so is she. So even if you are embarrassed to reveal all the secrets of his life, beware. Otherwise, people will judge you as a complete and independent personality, and how about the application to the subject. To prove the opposite will be is not easy.
Appearance everything is very clear. At all times and in all countries meet on clothes. If your outfit is messy, you have dirty shoes and dirty head count on positive feedback is meaningless. Their bad appearance, you demonstrate a disregard for others and to itself. Especially it concerns the professional sphere of activity. Well-groomed lady that looks good, much nicer to see in the team. Smile, the ability to communicate with others, sense of tact — qualities that help achieve success in your career and have excellent reviews from colleagues, subordinates and managers.
Save your reputation, work on it, and your image will work for you in the moment when you can not even wait!
Source: domashniy.ru/
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