Limousines that will spoil your holiday

Chances to spoil the party?
High. About 80%. First, the end of the hair. Secondly, if after the ride just eaten and drunk ... and so it is clear, in general. And why? Because racer with a top speed far beyond the 300 km / h. And to Mad driver not dokrichishsya.
Who and what is useful?
We have sent such a "Formula 1". Deliver to the pits racers, cars are broken somewhere in the middle of the track. And then they, you know, uncomfortable - waiting too lazy to go - far, and friends can not count - for the services of a taxi driver may be fined.

Chances to spoil the party?
15-20%. Depends on the turbulence. And from naklyukavshihsya habitually passengers. The real danger - in fact it climbs up to 50 people!
Who and what is useful?
Of course, it is at the airport location. To nepopavshim to "arm" travelers were not so insulting wait for the bus.

Chances to spoil the party?
In general, small. Motofanatam - so do to joy. The main thing is that the guy in the saddle, do not forget. And do not try prohvatit 170 km / h along the scribe line through the stopper.
Who and what is useful?
Aside biker festivals, you can send in Thailand. Under the guise of the super-fat-fat - for example, cut to Walking Street in Pattaya. That it is quite a gap ...

Chances to spoil the party?
This Italian-Japanese monsters? One hundred and forty-six per cent - she's electric! "Excuse me, after the registrar, we need to call in one place ... Hours nine" - stammered potentially beaten driver. One good thing - just 6 motors (each almost 75 forces) KAZ dispersed to hundred for 7 seconds with a minor. At the very registration have time.
Who and what is useful?
Carry group ekomanyakov kennel endangered species of tigers. Yes there and leave, with discharged batteries. Striped for food.

Chances to spoil the party?
50 to 50. Never, do you hear, never let Syzran aunt of the bride to choose a limo. And then find yourself here in this here. Friends appreciate, and to the fullest - will laugh since three years. If with its own sense of humor all right - can and should take.
Who and what is useful?
Bride with very lush and elaborate gowns. Sit in which almost no chance. Beauty requires sacrifice - and you can stand a couple of hours, and?

Chances to spoil the party?
On zero. Are you take this for a holiday ?!
Who and what is useful?
Purposeful American moms who most certainly should be a little more concern for the environment than their neighbor. And to carry all six children. Together with the dog, ficus and vacuuming.

Chances to spoil the party?
From zero to one hundred percent. For Real. This magnificent creation of Top Gear and Clarkson in particular - will appreciate knowing, and you'll be just a horse. However ... this magnificent creation of Top Gear and Clarkson in particular - first, to connect a machine that can not be rotated, with the one that does not know how to drive more than an hour, it was not the best idea. And with the quality of work secret workshop TG we are all too familiar.
Who and what is useful?
Yes to all. As a prototype and example to follow. And vice versa.