The incredible tropical home of artist Carlos Paez Vilaro
Painter Carlos Paez Vilaro was born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1923. He bought land along the east coast of picturesque Punta Ballen in 1958 and built a small wooden house there, which for a long time was called “Casapueblo”.
This whitewashed structure, reminiscent of Mycenae in Greece, was built step by step by the artist himself, then this place became not only a home for him, but also a studio museum. Gradually he added guest rooms and by 1968 this small house had grown. Later, he opened part of the Casapueblo to tourists as a hotel. The above photograph is his first creation, Casapueblo, in Uruguay. The photos below are his work, which is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The house was named Bengal after the Bengal tiger. The original structure is located on the edge of a huge garden hidden in the rainforest. The house with galleries and domes was designed in the style of his previous work - Casapueblo.
Another unusual building is located near the house “Bengala”, it was used as a studio of the artist.
In the round living room, in the heart of the Bengala house, natural light penetrates right through the roof.
This is a domed ceiling in the living room:
Round lines and textured walls envelop each room of the house, where an atmosphere of coziness and warmth reigns.
Every corner is a new discovery. Behind the bar is an old train grille.
From the front door you can see the stairs, also displaying the oval features of the house. It opens a library decorated with statues and totems that were brought from Africa.
This large hallway leads to the guest room.
This corridor connects the main sector with boarding houses, which acts as a separate house with a living room, kitchen and even its own bar.
Here is the guest bedroom, which retains the style found throughout the house, but the artist has moved away from the traditionally white walls:
This bedroom is located in a separate building, near the main house, through sugar cane plantations.
The table is decorated with ceramic tiles and encased in a capsule around fig tree and palm trees that work as a natural beach umbrella. Chairs made of willow rod invite you to a calm environment.
All the bedrooms upstairs lead to a large terrace, which is located among the white domes.
The cement domes were perforated with bright crystals inspired by coral reefs and marine animals.
Here's the artist himself:
Source: lifeglobe.net/
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